Which helps with nosebleeds

Which helps with nosebleeds / Health News

When nosebleeds do not bend your head backwards


According to an ancient tradition, when nosebleeds head back to the neck should be placed so that the blood does not flow out to the front. But the Association of Otolaryngologists contradicts this widespread opinion. Exactly the opposite should be done: bend the head forward and cool the neck, the doctors report.

The causes of nosebleeds (medically: Epistaxis) can be very different. Mostly there is a locally caused nosebleed, but also infections, cardiovascular diseases or diabetes can be the cause. If nosebleeds with other symptoms or heaped up, a doctor should be consulted.

Widely used is the assumption to put your head back when you have nosebleed. But this can cause the blood „backwards into the throat and through the esophagus into the stomach“ Winfried Goertzen from the Professional Association of Otolaryngologists explains. Then it can cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, there is a risk that the blood gets into the respiratory tract. „This is especially dangerous if the patient is unconscious“, warns the ENT doctor. In fact, there is a risk of blood aspiration with relocation of the respiratory tract if there is a clouding of consciousness.

It is better to bend your head forward and press the nostrils together for a few minutes. „If possible, the patient should sit upright to reduce blood pressure in the head“, explains Dr. Goertzen. For support, the physician recommends to put a cold rag or a cooling pack in the neck. The cold causes the blood vessels to contract.

If the bleeding from the nose lasts longer than 20 minutes in an adult, there is a risk of excessive blood loss. „In children even after 10 to 15 minutes. The affected person must then immediately to the doctor“, explains the ear, nose and throat doctor. A doctor's visit is also indicated when the nosebleeds occur more frequently. (Sb)

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