What is helpful in case of pregnancy nausea

What is helpful in case of pregnancy nausea / Health News
Expert tips against pregnancy sickness
Many expectant mothers suffer from pregnancy sickness, which in most cases poses no health risk, but is extremely unpleasant and costs additional strength. Experts of the University Hospital Freiburg explain, which measures can help against the pregnancy sickness.

A well-known example of pregnancy sickness is the British Duchess Kate, who is currently pregnant with her third child. Many women develop symptoms during pregnancy that, while harmless in most cases, can also cause serious complications. Gynecologists at the University Hospital Freiburg explain in a recent communication, what helps against the symptoms.

Many pregnant women suffer from nausea and vomiting. Some simple measures can provide relief here. (Image: nerudol / fotolia.com)

Taste and smell sensitized
In pregnancy, the sense of smell and taste is particularly sensitive and many women respond to otherwise pleasant smells such as the smell of fresh coffee with nausea and vomiting. Women feel lazy in the morning, especially during the pregnancy, but it is not uncommon for them to show symptoms in the afternoons or at night, the Freiburg University Hospital reports.

Pregnancy sickness is a common complaint
"Nausea and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy affect almost three-quarters of expectant mothers," explains Professor. Gerald Gitsch, Medical Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Hospital Freiburg. For these women, the pregnancy starts with feeling sick. At the same time, the reasons why some women feel sick while other pregnant women are blossoming remain unclear. Probably the combination of different influences play a role, whereby the estrogen as well as the gestational hormone HCG, which is produced in the Plazenta (mother cake), seem decisively responsible, so Prof. Gitsch.

Symptoms mostly harmless
As other factors that can lead to an increase in symptoms, according to the expert also known disorders of the thyroid, anxiety, problems or stress. Here it can help the affected women already "to talk less about the nausea." Moreover, according to Prof. Gitsch, the pregnancy sickness from a health point of view is usually harmless. "Although normal pregnancy sickness is uncomfortable for the mother, it is not dangerous for the unborn child"; so Gitsch.

Risks in severe forms of pregnancy sickness
The nausea usually affects pregnant between the 5th and 14th week, which is the time in which the entire organs of the baby, his arms, legs, ears and nose are created, reports the University Hospital Freiburg. Then the child continues to grow rapidly and usually the nausea and nausea disappear. In severe cases of pregnancy sickness in the form of a so-called hyperemesis gravidarum, which also affects the Duchess Kate, however, there is a considerable risk, according to the experts.

Attention in case of weight loss
According to Prof. Gitsch, a hyperemesis gravidarum is when pregnant women vomit more than five times a day, show signs of inadequate food intake and lose weight. About two percent of the pregnant women are affected - mostly young, slim non-smokers and women who expect twins. Rarely affected are women who have smoked before pregnancy, overweight or over 35 years of age. Basically, a pregnant woman should always go to the doctor "in case of nausea and vomiting - and of course immediately, if she can not keep any food with her or lose weight," remarks Professor Gitsch.

  • If it is harmless forms of pregnancy sickness, according to the experts, the following measures can help:
  • Avoid fat, very sugary, spicy, deep-fried and spicy foods,
  • Consume predominantly sugar-free non-carbonated drinks such as water or tea,
  • For example, before getting up, enjoy a lightly sweetened tea or a glass of orange juice and eat a rusk, then sit for about 20 minutes,
  • eat several small meals throughout the day that contain more carbohydrates than usual; Many fiber from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, abundant protein and low in fat,
  • Avoid odors that you are sensitive to during pregnancy, which are often coffee, meat or perfume odors,
  • Do not take any vitamin supplements before the 15th or 16th week of gestation, because in the beginning, pregnant women only need a sufficient amount of folic acid and additional vitamins could put a strain on the stomach as it dissolves the capsules, which in turn may increase nausea.

Even simple home remedies can help against the pregnancy. For example, water with lemon slices or the smell of green apples can often provide relief, according to the Freiburg experts. (Fp)