What can help with mosquito bites

What can help with mosquito bites / Health News

What helps against mosquito bites?


Thanks to the summer temperatures, numerous mosquitoes fly through the warm night air every year. To protect against annoying mosquito bites, experts advise to light body-covering clothing. But what to do if the mosquito has already stabbed and threatened itchy rash?

Disinfect mosquito bites
In order to prevent germs from getting into the open skin, fresh mosquito bites should be disinfected immediately. Especially in damp weather there is a risk of unpleasant, sometimes even dangerous skin reactions that can be caused by bacteria. This is reported by the European Foundation for Allergy Research (ECARF) in Berlin. Therefore, it should be avoided in any case to scratch the mosquito bite.

The puncture site can also be cooled with a cold cloth. It is best to use a damp-cold cloth that is repeatedly soaked in cold water until the itching subsides. Ice cubes, however, should not be used for cooling as they may cause frostbite to the skin. Cooling salves from the pharmacy can be used in addition, but are not absolutely necessary that a cooling cloth often already shows the desired effect. In Naturopathy a variety of homeopathic remedies are used to relieve symptoms, including „Staphysagria C 200 "or too „Staphysagria D 3 Dil "belong.

Allergic reactions to mosquito saliva
In some people, mosquito bites become very swollen and become large, itchy skin squares. As a rule, there is then a hypersensitivity to the proteins in mosquito saliva. Afflicted complain about sleepless next and a reduced performance during the day. According to ECARF, a mosquito allergy is not as dangerous as a wasp venom allergy, yet it advises those affected to consult a doctor quickly if circulatory problems, fever, shortness of breath or vomiting occur.

Prevent mosquito bites with simple means
Bright, body-covering clothing helps to prevent mosquito bites, as mosquitoes are attracted by colorful clothing as well as sweat and lactic acid bacteria. In addition, mosquito repellent should be distributed across the body, advises the Foundation.

In order to keep the mosquitoes out, insect screens or nets can be attached to the windows. The windows can then remain open at night, without the little bloodsuckers can fly in and drive their mischief. „Citronella candles“ Keep the mosquitoes away on the balcony or terrace. (Ag)

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Picture: Peashooter