A lot of chemistry in purported natural cosmetics

A lot of chemistry in purported natural cosmetics / Health News

A lot of chemistry and carcinogenic substances in purported natural cosmetics


If you buy ostensible natural cosmetics nowadays, you are hoping for a natural product without any chemical additives. But apparently the opposite is often the case. Who buys declared as natural product cosmetics, gets hardly anything natural. This was the result of an investigation by the consumer organization „Eco test“. Their testers took a closer look at 34 so-called natural cosmetic products. It turned out that the proportion of natural substances is often minimal and in contrast chemical dyes are massively used.

Numerous cosmetics that as „ecological and natural“ advertised in advertising and on the packaging, turn out to be a closer look than „chemical clubs“. In truth, they contain „natural products“ hardly any natural ingredients. In some shampoos, shower gels and creams carcinogenic substances were found. This is reported by the consumer magazine „Eco test“ in its latest issue. Their experts tested the ingredients of 34 natural cosmetics.

Eco-advertising tricks of the manufacturer
Many times on the creams, lotions and shampoos the advertising effective word „Natural“. But even if on the packaging with „fragrant flowers and flowers or fresh fruit“ To give the impression that only natural substances are used as ingredients, it is necessary to search for the natural substances with a magnifying glass, as experts of the ecological consumer magazine report. „But how is this label fraud possible?“, consumers will ask themselves immediately. That's because terms like „Naturally“ or „nature“ legally not protected. And as people's awareness has changed dramatically in the last 10 years, the cosmetics industry is turning to eco-advertising tricks to encourage consumers to buy.

In the shower creams, lotions, hair dyes and creams examined by Ökotest, between 15 and 60 percent of chemical and artificial substances were found, some of which can even be allergenic and harmful to health. At least numerous ingredients are controversial in the professional world and are considered „health concern“ guided. For example, it has discovered preservatives, carcinogenic formaldehyde and numerous chemical substances that can not be processed in natural cosmetics. Affected by the advertising fraud are according to the consumer advocates classic manufacturers like „Schwarzkopf & Henke“ and „Katja Garnier“, but also ostensibly progressive companies like „The Body Shop“ and „Yves Rocher“. Especially in the case of the last mentioned, there is a great deal of trust among consumers, which seems to be broken in some places.

Preservatives and little natural ingredients
A particularly bad result raises Ökotest „Biotherm Multi Recharge Ginseng Face Care“ in front. Of the 59 specified by the manufacturer substances were according to testers 28 „purely chemical“. These included artificial dyes, chemical UV filters and petroleum-based fats. Although the product is the name of the natural medicinal plant „ginseng“ leads the extract is still behind the chemical preservative chlorphenesin on the ingredient list. By law, however, this substance may not exceed 0.3 percent of the total amount of the care product. This makes it clear how low the natural product actually is „gesing“ is included. Because the list of ingredients must be listed in descending order depending on the content volume.

Just as questionable is the Palmolive product „Palmolive Naturals Olive & Moisturizing Cream Shower“. On the package it is stated that to 100 percent with ingredients „of natural origin“ was worked. The promised percentage of olive and aloe vera extract was nevertheless extremely low. Both natural substances are in the list of ingredients behind the chemical substance Sodium Salicylate. According to German legislation, this preservative may amount to only 0.5 percent in cosmetic articles. Accordingly, the natural substances are only minimally contained here. The Caudalíe pulp vitaminée cream for eyes and lips contained so-called PEG derivatives which are produced with the aid of a controversial starting material. This substance is controversial because contamination with the carcinogenic Dioxian can arise. For this reason, PEG or PEG derivatives are not permitted in real natural cosmetics.

Many colors and fragrances in shower creams and lotions
In natural cosmetics no artificial colors may be used. Although the product manufacturers mostly speak of natural ingredients, these substances are found in almost all tested Kosmetikar. For example, the synthetic fragrances were found in cosmetics by Burt's Bees, by L'Occitane Rose 4 Pure Body Milk or the shower gels by Crabtree & Evelyn or Bronnley. The „Natural soap“ by Nesti Dante uses artificial colors. Just such art dyes in the Yves-Rocher face care contain as in the body butter of „The Body Shop“. Already last year the experts of Ökotest shower gels tested on ingredients. At that time, almost all traces of the carcinogenic substance contained "dioxane". Although the manufacturers of conventional shower gels have repeatedly claimed to want to use other surfactants in perspective, this does not seem to have changed much, as the test results showed. Instead, it is claimed that the products are of "natural origin".

On „controlled natural cosmetics“ respect, think highly of
Consumers should not be fooled by the advertising promises of manufacturers, advises the consumer magazine Ökotest. Because even if „nature“, „Nature“ or „Natural“ It does not mean that chemical substances, which are in part harmful to health, are left out. On the contrary, the natural substances are often contained only in minimal proportions, although the product name suggests otherwise. If you want to purchase real natural cosmetics, you should go for the seal „controlled natural cosmetics“ respect, think highly of. Natural cosmetics are sold not only in health food stores, but now also in drugstore chains. Positive examples are the products of „Ecocert“ and „Natrue“. These are one hundred percent natural cosmetics and often even cheaper than the expensive branded products. (Sb)

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Picture: Heike