Much to wash your face against oily skin?

Much to wash your face against oily skin? / Health News

Increased washing against oily skin?


Very oily skin can be extremely unpleasant for those affected. Many people try to fix the greasy skin with more washing, which is not wrong in principle - but some details should be kept in mind, according to the news agency „dpa“ citing Professor Torsten Zuberbier, Director of the European Foundation for Allergy Research (ECARF).

According to the expert, washing can basically alleviate the problem of oily skin, but care should be taken to ensure that the care products applied are tailored to the skin type. For people with greasy skin products with a low fat content are advised, so Professor Zuberbier. In addition, those affected should use as possible no comedogenic cosmetics, because comedogenic fat and moisturizing substances that can cause acne in people with oily skin, Zuberbier reported in the contribution of „dpa“. Concerned about dehydration of the skin by the increased cleaning, those affected do not have to do, as with normal washing the skin is not so defatted that the skin then tend to dryness, so Zuberbier Professor.

Naturopathy with oily skin
In natural medicine, apart from washing, various home remedies for oily skin are known, ranging from special peels and facial masks to tea blends or the use of Schüssler Salzer. Overall, the greasy skin with the various measures can be quite effective remedy, although under certain circumstances, a change in diet is to be considered. (Fp)