Digestion In case of frequent flatulence do not combine whole grain bread with fruit

Digestion In case of frequent flatulence do not combine whole grain bread with fruit / Health News
Combination of whole grains and fruits favors flatulence
If you want to eat a healthy diet, you should eat a lot of fruit. Whole-grain products also contribute to a healthy diet. For some people, however, this combination is not advisable. Because these foods promote gas formation in the stomach and lead to bloating.

Flatulence caused by certain foods
Health experts, such as the German Nutrition Society (DGE), recommend eating fruit every day. Whole-grain products are also part of a healthy diet, as the barely-treated grains contain a lot of fiber, vitamins, oils and minerals. People who are prone to bloating should abstain from combining fruits and whole grains but better.

Whole grains and fruits are part of a healthy diet and should be on the daily diet. People who are prone to flatulence should not combine such foods. (Image: Photographee.eu/fotolia.com)

Every day five servings of fruits and vegetables
Nutrition experts repeatedly point out how important herbal food is for our health. Also in scientific investigations new findings are always obtained. Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables keep the heart healthy.

In addition, it has been known for some time that the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack is lower the higher the consumption of vegetables and fruit. It should be at least five servings a day.

Not least, certain plant substances in fruits and vegetables help with weight loss, as researchers have found.

Whole grains prevent various diseases
Whole grains are also healthy: Scientists from the Harvard Medical School in the USA have reported that whole grains can prevent diabetes.

In addition, the abundant fiber can stimulate digestion and prevent constipation.

And researchers at Imperial College London wrote in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that people who eat a lot of wholemeal grains have a lower risk of developing serious illnesses such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.

Last but not least, fiber-rich foods can help to combat the constant hunger and thus protect against obesity.

Slow diet change
However, the healthy mix of whole grains and fruits can also lead to physical complaints, such as flatulence. Because the combination of fiber and sugar favors the formation of gas in the stomach.

In the "Apotheken Umschau" (Issue A1 / 2017), people with a sensitive stomach and bowel are advised not to eat fiber-rich foods such as whole grains with sugars. The latter also includes fruit and fruit juices.

For those who experience frequent bloating when eating whole grains, a slow diet change is generally recommended, with dietary fiber being gradually incorporated into the diet.

However, if complaints occur, teas with fennel, anise or caraway and other home remedies can help with bloating. (Ad)