Digestion Artichoke instead of schnapps

Digestion Artichoke instead of schnapps / Health News

Nutrition coach advises to artichoke instead of schnapps

Especially in the Advent season, many people can enjoy Christmas cookies and mulled wine. Petra Faustka, a nutrition coach from Vienna, told the Austrian courier how to reduce stomach strain during the pre-Christmas season.

Stomach problems after too many Christmas biscuits
If the stomach presses because of too many biscuits or because of a fat goose roast, acupressure can help. For this you should stimulate the point four thumbs across the navel with circular movements. Heartburn and regurgitation often lead to too many biscuits, punch or savory dishes. There are numerous home remedies for heartburn, such as chamomile tea. Faustka recommends rice conges for two to three days. For a cup of rice, whether white or brown rice, or a mixture of both, mixed with eight cups of water and boiled. Then cook the rice on a low heat for one to two hours. The rice soup should be eaten unsalted and at the end of the cooking time you can still cook carrots, celery or apple pieces.

Time pressure and Christmas parties negative for the Qi
The expert also says that too much time pressure and Christmas parties, the so-called Qi (Chinese for "life energy") in the body easily knotted. The consequences of this are stomach pressure, stomach pain, headache or the feeling of tiredness. Faustka advises to exert pressure on the point between the big and the second toe, about 1.5 thumbs away from the toe space, because it can dissolve stagnation in the body. Then a feeling of lightness and the head is free again.

For diarrhea or for digestion
In case of diarrhea, the expert recommends massaging the belly with ginger juice in a counterclockwise direction, then rubbing hands together, putting one hand on the navel and the other on the lumbar spine, as the warming energy can flow through the entire lower abdomen. Common home remedies for diarrhea are also blueberry tea and Schüssler salts. However, if you want to promote digestion, help the nutritionist after the meal a bitter tea such as green tea or dandelion. Peppermint tea or dried orange peel also stimulated the digestive system. You can also make these yourself by drying untreated orange peel in the oven on low heat. They are suitable for pouring tea or refining compotes.

Dates and walnuts as a power donor
To warm up on cold days of advent, a warm breakfast is recommended. For this purpose, grain should be roasted dry, a small piece of ginger added and then pour boiling water. Proven force donors are dates and walnuts. The nuts strengthened concentration and efficiency. Faustkas believes that dates strengthen the "middle" and nourish the heart.

A glass of artichoke juice for digesting
To aid the liver and to help digest fat foods, she advises a small glass of artichoke juice. After a sumptuous meal, Kuzu is also ideal, a climbing plant that is widespread in Asia and whose roots produce a solid binder. In a quarter liter of cold water, dissolve a teaspoon of kuzu, let it rise briefly and then drink lukewarm. This warms the stomach and clothes stomach and intestinal walls. The body is also warmed from the inside by cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. These taste very delicious, especially in Christmas spice cookies. A red beet soup with ginger, cumin and root vegetables may be helpful in the event of falling asleep. (Ad)