Stimulate digestion Coffee proven suitable as a natural bittersweet

Stimulate digestion Coffee proven suitable as a natural bittersweet / Health News
Cause research to digestive effect
From widespread eating habits can sometimes divine scientific relationships that are not yet fully explored. For example, the espresso after the meal, which somehow does good - but why?

Coffee obviously promotes digestion. But why? (Image: dimakp /

A team of scientists led by the University of Vienna is now in cooperation among others. with the German Institute for Nutrition in Potsdam-Rehbrücke the phenomenon on the track: not only in the mouth, but also in the stomach are in humans receptors for bitter substances. An important feature: warning of toxic, because often bitter ingredients of the food.

Another important function is the stimulation of gastric acid secretion that has now been researched. Through both types of bitter receptors. With the difference that it comes with the passage through the mouth to a delay of gastric acid secretion, while the distribution occurs after administered gastric capsules only after about thirty minutes. The more bitter the substance was felt, the more stomach acid was actually released.

One thing is certain: bitter substances play a general role in the regulation of gastric acid production. Conversely, this also means that blocker substances that suppress the bitter stimulus, could also reduce gastric acid production. It is therefore conceivable that bitter substances or bitter blockers could be used in the future as therapeutics to treat hyperacidity of the stomach, the researchers say.
Friederike Heidenhof, bzfe