Digestive problems after mushroom dishes

Digestive problems after mushroom dishes / Health News

Digestive problems after mushroom dishes: edible mushrooms better not eat raw


Many people suffer from abdominal pain and digestive problems after eating mushrooms. Those who suffer from eating mushrooms such as mushrooms, mushrooms, bloated stomach, bloating or stomach ache should not eat the mushrooms raw.

Mushrooms can cause problems after eating. This is because most mushrooms contain high levels of fiber and chitin. Last is the cell structure of the mushrooms. Due to the high content of fiber, the stomach needs up to five hours for digestion, depending on the amount consumed. Due to the contained substance Chitin, it is possible that the stomach becomes hard and flatulence follow. If you eat the mushrooms slowly and chew well, you can minimize the risk. Chitin is not decomposed by gastric acids, ferments and bile acids, but excreted almost exclusively through the intestine. People often eat mushrooms, the digestive organs get used to it. Then even the consumption of raw mushrooms is no longer a problem, if there is no food allergy.

Consumers, who otherwise eat little mushrooms or eat little fiber through food, should not eat raw mushrooms better, as the Federation of German Mushroom and Cultivated Mushroom Cultivators (BDC) in Bonn said. Instead, according to the experts, it makes sense to eat the mushrooms roasted, stewed or cooked. The optimal cooking time is 15 minutes. Naturopathy also recommends adding cumin or fennel to the meal. This makes the food more digestible.

Mushrooms are popular because of their dietary value of around 20 kilocalories per 100 grams. In addition, the edible mushrooms are very nutritious and contain valuable vitamins D, B and B12 as well as the minerals potassium, phosphate and iron. Hardly anyone knows that mushrooms are protein-rich, that they contain milk and many essential amino acids. However, who suffers from gout, should rather refrain from the mushrooms, as these also contain purine. (Sb)

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Image: Gisela Peter