Veggi-World What if all people were vegetarians everywhere

Veggi-World What if all people were vegetarians everywhere / Health News
Healthier People - If we were all vegetarians
More and more people reduce their meat consumption. In most cases, health aspects are in the foreground. But also ethical and ecological reasons often play a role. Scientists have now turned to the question of what would be if we were all vegetarians. The result: The planet and us humans would be much better.

Vegetarians live longer
Only recently, a study showed that vegetable protein is significantly healthier than animal protein. Human health generally benefits from a reduction or abstinence from meat. For example, scientists in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association reported an increased life expectancy of vegetarians. These live almost four years longer than meat consumers. But what if all people were vegetarians? This question was pursued by researchers from England. They found that it would make the world and the population much better.

British researchers have explored the question of what would be if we were all vegetarians. They realized that the planet and our health would be doing much better. (Image: travelbook /

Contribution to environmental protection
According to experts, a meat-rich diet, among other things, causes increased formation of uric acid in the body, which in the long term can lead to kidney stones or gout in some people. In addition, several studies have suggested that over-consumption of red meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer or heart attack. But not only health aspects speak in favor of a vegetarian diet. It is also a contribution against factory farming and for environmental protection.

Seven million fewer deaths
This is also shown in a study by a research team headed by Dr. med. Marco Springmann from the University of Oxford (Great Britain). In the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" (PNAS), the researchers write: "What we eat has a big impact on our personal health and the environment we all share." Their research has now yielded concrete figures. According to the British "Guardian" reports, according to the experts in a worldwide vegetarian diet by 2050, there could be a good seven million fewer deaths per year.

Quarter of greenhouse gases due to food
The death rate would therefore decrease by around seven percent. This is because people who consume no meat, but more fruits and vegetables, less often become overweight and heart disease. It is said that two-thirds less greenhouse gases from food production enter the atmosphere. After all, at least one quarter of the total greenhouse gas emissions go to the food account. All of this would also be economically worthwhile. For example, healthcare costs and climate damage costs could be reduced by almost $ 1.5 trillion.

It takes more than just technological change
Study author Springmann explained: "We do not expect that all vegans live. But the impact of the food system on climate change requires more than just technological change. To adopt a healthier and more sustainable diet would be a big step in the right direction. "(Ad)