Veggie-fake meat substitute products better only from time to eat

Veggie-fake meat substitute products better only from time to eat / Health News
Experts advise: eat veggie meat products only moderately
More and more people restrict their meat consumption or abstain completely from animal food. Some still do not want to miss the taste. Vegetarian meat substitutes have experienced a veritable boom in recent years. But the plant alternatives are not automatically sustainable and fully recommended.

Demand for meat substitute products is increasing
Less and less people eat meat. There are enough reasons for a meat-free diet. Various scientific studies have come to the conclusion that this can reduce the risk of diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, vegetarians get rare colon cancer. Manufacturers of meat substitute products have enjoyed the trend towards a vegetarian diet. Experts point out, however, that the plant alternatives are not automatically sustainable and fully recommendable.

Vegetarian sausages, burgers and schnitzel are growing in popularity. However, one should only enjoy the plant alternatives in moderation, experts advise. (Image: PhotoSG /

Not automatically sustainable
Only a few years ago, vegetable meat substitutes were almost only found in health food stores or health food stores. Today, vegetarian schnitzels and sausages are available in almost every well-stocked supermarket.

But purely herbal meat and sausage alternatives are not automatically sustainable and fully recommended, just because they contain no meat, reports the Association Consumer Initiative in a message. They should therefore only be eaten in moderation.

The basis for meat substitutes are soya, wheat, vegetable oils, chicken eggs and milk. "In order to produce attractive alternatives to Schnitzel, sausages or meat sausage, energy-consuming processing steps and further additives are necessary", says Alexandra Borchard-Becker, nutrition expert at the Verbraucher Initiative.

Health and ethical benefits
Frequently, the replacement products process a whole range of spices, flavors and additives in order to get the look and aroma close to the meat original.

Some raw materials, such as soy, sometimes travel long distances. And additives, flavors and spices are often highly processed and therefore not very climate friendly, the consumer initiative reports.

However, other experts point out that veggie sausages and Co. protect the climate in comparison to meat. After all, animal husbandry is the main cause of climate-relevant emissions in the agricultural sector.

There are no doubts that the vegetarian products have health and ethical benefits. "The meat alternatives contain little or no cholesterol and usually less fat than their animal originals. No animals are killed for their production, "says Borchard-Becker.

The replacement products provide variety and facilitate a low-meat or vegetarian lifestyle. And eating less or no meat has been shown to have beneficial effects on your health - at least when the diet is balanced.

Goods made from local ingredients
"Prefer products with wheat, lupines or soybeans from Germany or neighboring countries," advises the nutrition expert. "Eat the finished meat substitute products only occasionally."

Low-processed foods such as tofu (soya quark), tempeh (fermented soy product) or home-made burgers or buffers are more recommended than meat substitutes because they can be made with fewer processing steps - from healthy grains, legumes and vegetables. (Ad)