Veggi burgers from plant blood

Veggi burgers from plant blood / Health News

US company allegedly makes tasty veggie burgers using herbal blood


Veggie Burger has been around for a long time. But so far they could not prevail against their meaty relatives. One of the main arguments against Veggie Burger was and is that it lacks the aromas of real meat emanating from the blood.

That should change now if it is after the company „Impossible Foods“ and its founder, Stanford Professor Patrick Brown goes. How to Focus Online, citing that „Wall Street Journal“ The US company has reported that it isolates a vegetable molecule that is also found in animal blood, that reacts like roast meat when roasted, and that is almost perfect in taste.

This so-called "vegetable blood" mixes the company now under vegetarian burger patties with the result that the burgers not only taste the same as real, but also look like reports. The vegetarian pattie should even bleed when you bite it, like that „Wall Street Journal“ continue to report online according to Focus.

Burgerpattie tastes like a mixture of beef and turkey
According to N 24, the American has „Wall Street Journal“ even participated in a burger comparison test and confirmed: "Every bite has meat consistency, the 'burger meat' is not at all comparable to spongy tofu." The US newspaper describes the taste according to Focus Online as a mixture of beef and turkey.

Veggie burgers with plant blood are meant to replace traditional burgers
Background of the high effort is the idea to reduce the global meat consumption. According to Brown, switching from animal meat to plant products is a necessity, because livestock farming consumes too many resources and is unsustainable. However, this only works if the product is in no way inferior to the original in taste, as meat eaters reject it because of the lack of taste. Therefore, his company strives to imitate the taste and the consistency of meat as detailed as possible. For this, amino acids, fats and nutrients are extracted from plants.

"I remember it was a slap in the face," Brown told The Wall Street Journal about the moment he realized that the vegan substance could be used to play the role that blood plays in traditional burgers take over.

Interested parties still have to wait
However, the new product is not ready for mass production as reports. The burgers are still too expensive. In 2015, however, the company intends to compete.

After all, the company already has large investors. Grub Street reports that the firm will have $ 75 million in capital to be injected by, among others, Bill Gates and Google Ventures. (Jp)