Investigation Sugar-free chewing gum is the best way to protect against decay

Investigation Sugar-free chewing gum is the best way to protect against decay / Health News
Chewing sugar-free chewing gum lowers the caries risk significantly
It should be no surprise to most people that sugar harms our teeth. Many foods contain sugar and unfortunately we do not always have the time to brush our teeth right after each meal. But there is another way to reduce the risk of tooth decay and to protect our teeth. Chewing sugar-free chewing gum after eating significantly reduces the development of tooth decay.

Most foods and drinks contain sugar that damages our teeth. Actually, we should brush our teeth after every meal. Often we have no way to clean our teeth right after eating. British scientists from the Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry found in a recent study that sugar-free chewing gum after eating can significantly reduce our risk of tooth decay. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "British Dental Journal".

Chewing gums without sugar protect the teeth. Picture: (Picture:

Many 12-year-olds have serious problems with their permanent teeth
Sugar-free chewing gum could help save tens of millions of dollars in dental costs and improve the health of our teeth, say British physicians. In the UK, three chewing gums could save around £ 8.2 million a year in pediatric dentistry, say the experts. This value corresponds to about 364,000 dental examinations. The UK government released data last year that clearly showed that about 35 percent of 12-year-olds refuse to laugh or show their teeth when smiling because of their bad teeth, the researchers say. Sugar-free chewing gum can be extremely effective in reducing the risk of disintegration of our teeth.

Brushing twice a day is still the best way
The results of the current study are very interesting because they provide a new and easy way to help people improve dental health, explain the British researchers. The amount of money that can be saved from sugar-free chewing gum is related only to reducing the cost of treating 12-year-olds in the UK, experts say. If the new model were applied to the whole population, it could result in significantly more savings. However, twice a day brushing your teeth for two minutes a day is still the best way to keep your teeth clean and healthy, say the doctors. However, if children are over the age of seven, chewing sugar-free chewing gum throughout the day could help break down harmful plaque acids, reducing the risk of deterioration, the researchers add.

Advice on preventive dental health should consider sugar-free chewing gum
The benefits of chewing sugar-free chewing gum have been officially recognized by the World Dental Federation and the British Dental Health Foundation. In 2013, a large children's survey (The Dental Health Survey) found that around 35 percent of 12-year-olds in Britain had problems with obvious decay of their permanent teeth, the researchers say. In the UK, the official side has rarely mentioned explicitly that sugar-free chewing gum can help protect teeth, says one of the experts at Plymouth University. However, the new evidence suggests that the potential benefits of sugarless chewing gum should be considered in preventive dental health advice. Dental care costs are huge each year, so new solutions, such as sugar-free gum, should be taken into account, the British researchers emphasize. These can help to combat the completely avoidable risk of tooth decay, say the researchers.