Investigations If there is suspicion of joint rheumatism for a few days, no sports before the ultrasound

Investigations If there is suspicion of joint rheumatism for a few days, no sports before the ultrasound / Health News
Joint pain: No sports before rheumatism ultrasound
Patients who are diagnosed with inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis should first refrain from exercise. Because that could make the diagnosis more difficult, warn experts.
Do not exercise before the ultrasound examination
Basically, in case of persistent joint pain early to go to the family doctor who sends patients, if necessary, continue to a specialist. If joint rheumatism is suspected, an ultrasound scan can often provide clarity. However, it is important to do some sports a few days before such an appointment. Because this can make the diagnosis more difficult. Experts from the German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) pointed this out in the "DMW Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift".

No sports before an ultrasound. Picture: endostock - fotolia

Exclude misdiagnosis as far as possible
Ultrasound examinations make it possible to detect inflammatory processes on the joint and bone at an early stage and provide clues as to which therapy is the right one. "In order to rule out uncertainties, one should insert a few rest days in front of a joint ultrasound," explained Professor Dr. med. med. Marina Backhaus, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine - Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at the Park-Klinik Weißensee in Berlin. Because if, for example, evidence of articular inflammation are found, this is not necessarily a confirmation of rheumatoid arthritis. Over-exertion and over-stimulation through sport can also lead to inflammation. To avoid misdiagnosis as much as possible, therefore, before the use of rheumatism ultrasound: "No Sports". (Ad)