Investigating the cancer cases in Groß Schneen

Investigating the cancer cases in Groß Schneen / Health News

Investigating the cancer cases in Groß Schneen nearing completion


The accumulation of cancer cases in the municipality Groß Schneen (Göttingen district) does not seem to be due to the improper handling of pollutants in a local paint shop. According to official press release has „the public prosecutor's office Göttingen set their investigations because of the accusation of the negligent killing, negligent bodily injury and other environmental offenses.“

One resident had compiled a list of about 50 cancers in the Groß Schneen community and filed a lawsuit alleging a link with the hazardous materials used at a local paint shop. But they have „meanwhile determined facts and the result of the expert opinion no hints for an improper handling of the accused company with the solvent Trichlorethen or other dangerous materials result“, reports the district of Göttingen. The criminal investigations were therefore discontinued. Whether there is actually an accumulation of cancers in the municipality of Groß Schneen is currently still under review by the Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA) and the Health Department Göttingen. The results should be presented "on January 28 at a public event in Groß Schneen".

Authorities check frequency of cancer
The suspicion of a possible contamination with carcinogenic pollutants, seemed quite plausible given the submitted list of the inhabitant. To close here on the local paint shop as the cause, was also close. But the prosecutor's investigation could not confirm these allegations of the plaintiff. According to the report no harmful substances were released by the company in a health-hazardous degree. To what extent there is an unusual accumulation of cancers in Groß Schneen or in a residential area in the immediate vicinity of the paint shop, is currently still under review, so the announcement of the district. The Lower Saxony State Health Office and the Health Department Göttingen evaluate the lists and the death certificates from Groß Schneen of the last 15 years to determine possible accumulations of the cancer. In addition, written surveys of alleged sufferers and relatives were part of the analysis.

Cancer cases completed by the end of January
First, it will be determined, „How many cancers in large snow, or parts of it, have been expected in the past 15 years“ would be, reports the district of Göttingen. Because age has a decisive influence on cancer risk, for example, the age structure of the population was analyzed. Also were „Current and past registration data of Groß Schneen and reference numbers on frequencies of cancer in Lower Saxony included.“ Until the event on January 28, "the investigation should be completed, so that the results presented and of course all questions can be discussed," said the district of Göttingen. (Fp)

Picture: Rainer Sturm