Examination These chemicals in everyday life often lead to obesity

How do chemicals in our environment affect our weight??
Certain chemicals used in many everyday items are involved in the development of obesity. Researchers found that these chemicals interfere with the body's ability to burn calories.
Researchers at the internationally acclaimed Harvard University found in their research that certain chemicals interfere with the body's ability to burn calories. As a result, the use of articles with these chemicals contributes to the development of obesity. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "PLOS Medicine".

What are perfluoroalkyl substances?
So-called perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are used for example for the production of non-stick soils in pots and pans. But they also occur in dirt-repellent carpets and food packaging. Harvard University researchers investigated the effects of these chemical compounds on the human body to establish a possible association with the onset of obesity.
Some harmful chemicals cause cancer
According to animal experiments and the results of previous studies, many experts raised their first concerns about the use of perfluoroalkyl substances. These chemicals seem to be related to the development of cancer, high cholesterol and immune problems. There are several examples of harmful chemicals in everyday items. Many care products are heavily contaminated with harmful chemicals. Even with the consumption of fast food food, industrial chemicals are often added.
Data from 621 subjects were evaluated
For the current study, data from 621 overweight and obese people who were on a diet for six months were analyzed. The subjects were part of a clinical study that was performed in the 2000s. At the time of the investigation, the effectiveness of different types of diets was tested.
Women are more affected
As expected by the doctors, the test subjects reduced their weight. In six months of the diet, the participants lost on average 6.4 kg, say the doctors. Over a period of 18 months, however, the subjects then gained about half of this value in weight. Study author Qi Sun found that people who gained the most weight after the diet had the highest blood levels of PFAS chemicals. For women, the effects were much more pronounced, the expert explains.
Effect of high concentrations of PFASs
Women with the highest PFAS levels gained about 2 kilograms more than those with the lowest PFAS levels. Subjects with high levels of PFAS in their blood burned calories slower, as measured by their metabolic rate at rest, the researchers say.
PFASs cause faster weight gain
PFASs can lead to faster weight gain after dieting, explains Qi Sun. It is very difficult to avoid using PFAS because they are found in so many everyday objects. This represents a major public health problem for today's society.
Is the amount of PFAS taken harmless??
Figures compiled by the European Food Safety Authority suggest that exposure to certain types of PFAS in Europe is well below the tolerable daily allowance. This means that the amount of chemicals ingested in humans is considered harmless. For example, according to food safety experts, the typical adult consumes less than 3.5 percent of the tolerable daily intake.
Further research is needed
The results can serve as a good basis for further, more targeted studies on a possible link between exposure to PFAS and weight management. (As)