Investigation These types of cheese should help you lose weight

Study shows: cheese can help you lose weight
Although it is often believed that cheese is harmful to cholesterol levels, scientific research has shown that eating cheese can even protect the heart. And he can obviously help with healthy weight loss, as Irish researchers have found out.
Decrease properly
Health experts repeatedly warn against wrong weight loss. Who wants to reduce his weight without a yo-yo effect, the diet must consistently change in the long term. One has the best chance of success with a permanent diet with fewer calories. It helps to focus on certain foods that serve as slimming products. Cheese also appears to be one of those foods, researchers from Ireland have found.

Cheese is healthier than expected
Cheese is seen by many people as a rather unhealthy food, which among other things, should contribute to a higher cholesterol level. However, scientific research has shown that the milk product is significantly healthier than is often assumed.
For example, scientists from the US recently discovered that special cheeses can protect against liver cancer.
And British researchers found in one study that eating fat cheese - unlike presumed - did not increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
A study by Irish scientists showed that cheese does not necessarily increase cholesterol. In addition, eating cheese may even cause people to lose weight.
Increased intake of saturated fat
The researchers from University College Dublin analyzed the impact of cheese consumption from a total of 1,500 participants from Ireland for their study.
The aim was to evaluate the current dietary guidelines, which warn that eating cheese rich in saturated fats may increase the risk of developing high blood cholesterol levels, the researchers said.
The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nutrition and Diabetes".
"We found that the high consumption of cheese leads to a significantly increased intake of saturated fatty acids compared to non-cheese-eating people," says study leader Dr. med. Emma Feeney in a message.
However, according to the author, there was no difference in observed LDL cholesterol levels.
Less weight due to cheese consumption
The researchers suggest that the mixture of nutrients in cheese helps offset the increased consumption of saturated fats.
The milk supply from the cheese even had a positive effect on the so-called body mass index (BMI).
In addition, consumption led to lower waist sizes and correlated with lower blood pressure, the researchers add.
The entire diet needs to be examined more closely
Of course, a correlation does not automatically mean a causal link in this effect, say the experts.
One can not say with certainty that the consumption of cheese has a positive effect on the cholesterol or the weight.
Cheese is just a small piece of the puzzle, we need to look at people's overall diet, the authors explain.
"We not only have to look at the nutrients themselves, but also at the matrix we eat them in," says Feeney.
Consuming low-fat products leads to increased carbohydrate intake
Ironically, the researchers also found that consuming low-fat yogurt and milk resulted in higher carbohydrate intake.
However, cause and effect could work the other way around here.
If people consume more carbohydrates, they may tend to lean to low-fat dairy, scientists speculate.
Maybe those affected want to lose weight.
Further research is needed
It would be really interesting to see that this study is repeated with a larger sample size and in different parts of the world, say the authors.
Because culture and geography have a big impact on nutrition. So far it is unclear whether the Irish diet has led to these results.
Perhaps the previously assumed negative effects of cheese were simply exaggerated, the experts add. (as, ad)