Examination Blue-eyed people like to grab alcohol

The eye color of a human could have far more meaning than previously thought. Scientists at Vermont University found that people with blue eyes are particularly susceptible to alcohol and become alcohol dependent. This also applies to people with other bright eye colors such as green or gray, the researchers write in the journal "American Journal of Medical Genetics: Neuropsychiatric Genetics".
Blue-eyed expire the alcohol?
People with blue eyes should pay attention to their alcohol consumption. This suggests a study by the researchers Arvis Sulovari and Dawei Li of the University of Vermont. Thus, the risk of alcohol addiction in people with light eyes is much higher than in people with brown eyes, because both information - the eye color and the tendency to alcohol consumption - are coded on the same chromosome.

In the study, researchers examined and interviewed 1,263 white Americans with alcohol problems. As it turned out, blue-eyed subjects were most likely to be addicted to alcohol. As severely endangered, Sulovari and Li also classified persons with green or gray eyes. "This offers a fascinating opportunity to use the eye color in the clinic in the diagnosis of alcohol dependence," said Sulovari the study results.
After the scientists recognized the relationship between eye color and alcohol consumption, they repeated their attempt with a new arrangement. In this way, they wanted to find out if factors such as gender, age, and ethnic and geographic backgrounds influence the outcome. The results withstood all tests. The study of the researchers confirms a trial from the year 2000, which gave the same result. "But we do not know the reason yet," said Li. This will now be investigated in further studies.
Researchers hope to find better ways to track the onset of alcoholism and other mental illnesses. (Ag)