Examine organic milk and organic meat with more healthy fats

Are organic foods actually healthier?
Although more and more consumers are focusing on organic or organic products, some are wondering how reliable such labels really are. For the nature they are usually beneficial, but according to an evaluation of the Stiftung Warentest, organic foods are rarely more qualitative. Whether or not organic food is healthier than conventional food has long been a bone of contention. A new study now showed clear benefits of milk and meat from organic production.

Meat and milk from biological production with advantages
As reported by the news agency APA, an international team of experts led by British Newcastle University analyzed meat and milk from organic and conventional production. It showed that the organic foods have a significantly better profile of important fatty acids. According to a statement from the university, this is the largest comparative study of its kind so far. The researchers analyzed data collected worldwide from 196 publications on cow's milk and 67 studies on meat products. The meta-analysis, now published in the journal British Journal of Nutrition, found that meat and milk contain on average about 50 percent more omega-3 fatty acids when they come from organic production. According to other studies, raw milk from the farm also contains more omega-3 fatty acids, which is one of the reasons why this form of milk protects children from asthma, according to a study by Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU).
Lower risk of cardiovascular disease
Organic meat also contains lower concentrations of two saturated fatty acids, myristic and palmitic acid. According to health experts, these are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. The scientists concluded that switching to organically produced foods would improve the fatty acid profile of our diet. "Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, better neurological development and function, and a stronger immune system," said Chris Seal of Newcastle University. It is said that diets in Western European countries lack these fatty acids.
Significant difference between "organic" and conventional
Although agricultural practices vary from country to country, the analysis has consistently shown a significant difference between "organic" and conventional. In a statement from the Swiss Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL) involved in the analysis, Director Urs Niggli said: "We have undoubtedly demonstrated that there are differences in the composition between organic food and conventional food." He continued, "According to APA," There are also differences in Switzerland, but they are smaller because conventional agriculture in this country relies more on feeding with roughage such as grass and hay than in other countries. " A central factor for the quality differences is the feeding. "In most EU countries, and especially in the US, concentrates now account for 50% or more of dairy cattle feed rations," says Niggli. "That's another reason why our investigation is relevant to draw attention to this misguided development."
In industrialized countries, the limit of milk production, which makes economic and ecological sense, has long been exceeded. "Milk prices are in the basement. That's another reason why it would make more sense to focus more on organic production. "This produces a sufficient amount of milk, in better quality. (Ad)