Restless legs - herbal remedies work

Restless legs - herbal remedies work / Health News

Also evening fasting, rising footbaths and leeches help


Actually, there is nothing better than to make yourself comfortable after a hard day in the evening on the sofa or to cuddle up to bed, because then relaxes the body soothing. However, in about one in ten, the feeling of relaxation may not set. As soon as they rest, they suffer from sensory pains in the legs, pain, restlessness and feel an unnatural urge to move. These symptoms speak for the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), which affects those affected especially at night. The complaints can be expelled for a short time by movement - some sufferers therefore run several miles every night, because otherwise they can not stand the pain and discomfort. This not only leads to a high level of suffering, but can also be dangerous. Because the restless legs often cause strong sleep disorders that damage the long term health.

Especially the elderly, sometimes pregnant women, are among those affected. Often, Restless Legs syndrome also occurs in association with polyneuropathy, a disease of the long nerves. According to recent studies, the disease is not detected in time in 76 percent of those affected. „The syndrome usually occurs between the age of 30 and 40 years. But it usually takes about ten years of breastfeeding until the patients go to a doctor“, explains Dr. Christian Schmincke, medical director of the clinic at Steigerwald in Gerolzhofen. The constant pain and the insatiable urge to move are most pronounced between 18 o'clock in the evening and 4 o'clock in the morning. According to the current state of research, restless legs syndrome arises from a conventional medical viewpoint due to a disturbance in the transmission of certain messenger substances in the brain and spinal cord. This may be genetic or caused by factors such as iron deficiency, renal dysfunction or medication. For example, when restless legs are triggered by medication, the disease disappears when the factor is eliminated. All other forms, conventional medicine can treat only symptomatically.

Dr. Christian Schmincke, an expert in Chinese medicine, sees other causes for restless legs: „In RLS, we see the cause mainly in a juices congestion in the lower body. There it affects the circulation of blood and lymph, which the body desperately tries to dissolve through involuntary movement impulses.“ The aim of the Chinese treatment - based on Chinese drug therapy - is to mobilize deep stasis and to discharge stasis-induced slags via the bowel and bladder. The individually compiled herbal ingredients, which patients take in the form of decoctions, dissipate impulses through warming impulses and then dissipate them. Mobilizing external applications such as foot reflexology, psychotics, shiatsu, acupuncture, and heat treatments are supportive. „Through these treatments, we manage to defeat the neurological disorder in 80% of cases“, thinks Dr. Schmincke. He also recommends that people take regular foot baths, moderate diets and abstain from excessive alcohol or coffee consumption. Bloodletting, leech treatment, fasting, especially evening fasting and exercise also help alleviate discomfort. (Pm)