Irregular pulse causes, symptoms and prevention

Irregular pulse causes, symptoms and prevention / symptoms
When the pulse beats irregularly
The pulse is the effect of cardiac action on the blood vessels and can be measured well on the underside of the wrist. An irregular pulse is therefore not a specific disease, but may have different causes. These include, for example, stress, thyroid dysfunction and potassium deficiency. Severe or sustained cardiac arrhythmias are perceived as palpitations or heart stumbling, in bad cases even as exposure of the heartbeat. If these symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted to avoid life-threatening complications.


  • Irregular pulse: definition and symptoms
  • Various disorders
  • What is the doctor doing??
  • causes
  • potassium
  • Acne and flatulence
  • Caution, risk of death
  • How does potassium deficiency develop??
  • Complications of cardiac arrhythmias
  • therapy
  • ablation
  • Pacemaker
  • prevention
  • Yoga and gymnastics
  • Tea and baths
  • Sports
  • Alcohol and nicotine

Irregular pulse: definition and symptoms

A normal heart rhythm is at rest at 60 to 80 beats per minute. The heart generates the necessary electrical activity by means of the sinus node in the upper part of the right atrium. These impulses reach the atrioventricular nodes and the His bundles, the fascicles in the ventricles and the Purkinje fibers into the heart muscles. During physical work or stress, the pulse is faster, while sleeping, the heart beats slower. The autonomic nervous system gives the responsible information to the sinus node.

For most people, the resting heart rate is 60 to 80 beats per minute. Many different factors can be responsible for making your heart beat faster and slower. (Image: leungchopan /

In cardiac arrhythmia, the pulse beats irregularly. If this happens rarely, then we usually do not notice it. Severe or permanent cardiac arrhythmias, on the other hand, are perceived as tachycardia or heart stumbling. They can cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, seizures, chest pain and chest tightness, and even life-threatening shock.

The heart reacts to stress and effort. When we get angry or upset, it speeds up the pulse, while in sleep, the frequency of heartbeats decreases.

Various disorders

Disorders of the heart rhythm include:

1) The ventricular fibrillation: Here the ventricle contracts uncoordinatedly and quickly, with over 320 beats per minute. The heart can hardly pump, it comes to a cardiac arrest. That leads to death in a few minutes.

2) Atrioventricular block: Here the transmission between the atrium and the heart chamber is disturbed. As a result, the heartbeat slows down to a cardiac arrest.

3) When SA block is the excitation transmission blocked between sinus node and atrium.

4) When Sick sinus syndrome the sinus node is disturbed and the heartbeat is either too slow or irregular.

What is the doctor doing??

You should always consult a doctor for the symptoms of an irregular heartbeat. The recognizes on the cardiac current curve, whether the heart beats too fast, too slow or arhythmic. For this he uses an electrocardiogram.


Irregular heartbeat is not a specific disorder, but may have various causes.

First, there are a lot of external factors, including stress, agitation, and anxiety. Especially anxiety disorders are often associated with irregular heart rate. People who suffer from it keep coming back into a state of excitement in which the pulse beats fast. But the body does not last long, and so the pulse outside of the state of excitement often strikes too slowly.

Possible triggers are caffeine, alcohol and some drugs in excess. Antidepressants can affect the pulse rate as a side effect. An exhausted belly and feverish infections also affect the pulse rate.

Gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal area can lead to an irregular heartbeat. (Image: SENTELLO /

Martial artists know the carotid sinus node. He sits at the carotid artery. If someone hits it, if a shirt is too tight, or if we over-stretched our neck, it can slow down the heartbeat. In self-defense classes, participants learn to knock an opponent unconscious by striking the edge of the hand.

A variety of organic causes can lead to an irregular pulse. These include, in particular, various diseases of the heart: cardiac muscle diseases, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, myocarditis or valvular heart failure.

High blood pressure also causes an irregular heart rate such as an electrolyte disorder or a disturbed thyroid.

The causes of an irregular pulse are in detail:

  1. Excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol and drugs
  2. Side effects of medications like antidepressants
  3. Infections and fever
  4. The coronary heart disease
  5. Heart attack
  6. Cardiomyopathies
  7. Myocarditis
  8. Valvular heart disease
  9. Genetic disorders
  10. high blood pressure
  11. potassium deficiency
  12. Hyperthyroidism
  13. Hypothyroidism
  14. Also in menopausal women often occurs - usually harmless - heart stumbling.


Potassium is mainly present in the cells, more precisely in the spaces between the cells. In the rest of the body is little of the mineral. Potassium and sodium control the water balance of the body.

The vital substance is essential to transmit impulses in the nerve and muscle cells, the mineral plays a very special role, because this also applies to the cells of the heart muscle. Without potassium this can not work.

We need the vital mineral to build up protein and activate different enzymes. Converting carbohydrates into energy is also impossible without potassium.

The reason for the irregular pulse may be a lack of potassium. Mushrooms, potatoes, dry and legumes are especially recommended to provide the body with the mineral sufficient. (Image: photka /

Acne and flatulence

If the potassium level in the body is below 3.2 mmol / l, then there is a potassium deficiency. He shows up with exhaustion, concentration problems, nervousness and loss of appetite. Add to that a sluggish bowel, flatulence and constipation. Headache, dizziness and tired muscles are typical symptoms.

Wounds heal badly, the skin dries up, acne spreads, and those affected have problems leaving water.

Potassium is necessary for stable blood pressure, and blood pressure directly affects the heartbeat.

Caution, risk of death

If we have less than 2.5 mmol / l of potassium in the organism, this is not only unpleasant, but can lead to death. Then the transmitters between nerve and muscle cells are out of force, and the whole system collapses.

The heart rhythm is irregular or too fast, edema forms in the tissue. If you are already suffering from heart disease, this can mean the end. The muscle weakness increases to paralysis, you lose consciousness and fall into a coma.

How does potassium deficiency develop??

An inadequate diet can be responsible: If you take too much salt and at the same time too little potassium-containing foods, then a shortage can result in the result.

Another cause is illness. Excessive vomiting and severe diarrhea can cause the body to lose potassium. Hyperthyroidism (thyroid) also blocks potassium intake. When the thyroid gland produces too much hormone, there is a mismatch between the individual minerals in the body, including potassium.

Also, laxatives and water-expelling medications (diuretics) can lead to potassium deficiency.

Complications of cardiac arrhythmias

Cardiac arrhythmias rarely lead to dangerous complications, such as blood clot embolism, stroke, heart attack or heart failure - in the worst case, sudden cardiac death.

The defibrillator is used to treat life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. The device can stop the interference by targeted surges and restore normal heart activity. (Image: pressmaster /


The aim of the treatment is to restore the normal heart rhythm. This is sometimes done with medications, but also a defibrillator is used, especially with ventricular flutter and ventricular fibrillation. In doing so, a current pulse interrupts the electrical actions of the heart and gives the sinus node the possibility to reorient itself.


By ablation with cold or heat, the tissue from which the arrhythmia emanates, soaked, so that it can no longer pass the malfunction. This happens with a cardiac catheter and is successful in palpitations, atrial fibrillation and disorders of the heart chambers.


If a temporary interruption of the pulse leads to unconsciousness, shortness of breath and diminished performance, a pacemaker is appropriate. The small devices transmit electrical impulses to the heart, bringing the pulse rate back into balance. This is done by means of thin probes, which end in the superior vena cava, the right atrium or the right ventricle. The doctor regularly checks to see if the pacemaker is doing its job successfully.


Preventing an irregular pulse is accompanied by methods that also generally promote good health. This includes, in particular, reducing stress. Take a walk more often, take breaks, even if they find it difficult. Sleep well at night and take a nap from time to time during the day.

Rest is not passive. In fact, relaxing includes long walks as well as gardening or even intense sports, mountaineering or marathons. Training keeps the body fit and ensures that the mind is sharp. It leads to better access to the past and less stress.

Resting, taking a break and just "switching off" is important to prevent cardiac arrhythmia. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Yoga and gymnastics

Yoga, autogenic training or gymnastics are all suitable for reducing stress. Do not put yourself under pressure. Many people find peace and quiet when they lie on the sofa without a guilty conscience.

Tea and baths

To reduce stress, you can also make yourself a tea: for example, peppermint, passionflower, valerian and lavender. They infuse the fresh or dried plants with water and drink some cups in the morning, as in the early afternoon. Tip: Coffee drinkers who suffer from restlessness do themselves a favor when replacing the coffee ritual with such a tea.

For baths hops, lemon balm, hay flowers or lavender are recommended. Bath salts that serve relaxation can be found in every drugstore and pharmacy.


Sport counteracts inner tension. It promotes blood circulation and gives the brain more oxygen. He boosts the metabolism and he spills out the endorphins. The last point is especially important because the endorphins cause well-being and so dampen nervousness, which has its cause in mental discomfort.

Sport also distracts: Perfectionists doubt to live up to their ideal; Fear-anxious people fixate on what scares them and depressives turn their black thoughts in a circle. Those who practice sports focus on running, swimming or climbing, thus directing negative emotions and thoughts in a different direction.

Alcohol and nicotine

Are you already suffering from an irregular heart rate? Then reduce their consumption of cigarettes and especially alcohol. Alcohol promotes especially atrial fibrillation. Have your doctor check you regularly, especially if you have a family history. (Dr. Uzt Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)
