Unusually many new HIV infections in Bavaria

In 2015, 643 men and women in Bavaria were newly infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Thus live in the Free State a total of 11,000 people with the virus. As the Ministry of Health warns, young people in particular must be warned against becoming infected because the age group of 20 to 35 year-olds is particularly affected by the new infections.
Significantly more men than women are infected
Medicine is making great strides in the fight against AIDS, but many people still are infected with HIV. According to the Ministry of Health and Nursing, there were 643 new infections in Bavaria last year. Altogether about 2,000 women and 9,000 men would live with the HI virus in the Free State, health minister Melanie Huml (CSU) reported on Wednesday in an interview with the news agency "dpa"..

Infection rate is particularly high in younger people
"It is important to me that these people are not marginalized," the Minister continued. Young people in particular should therefore be warned about the risks of the disease, because "in the age group of 20 to 35 years, the infection rate is particularly high," said Huml.
Healing is not possible so far
The HI virus is mainly due to unprotected sexual intercourse, but also, e.g. transmitted by infected blood products or under drug addicts exchanged syringes. If a person is infected, AIDS may be able to break out later. Thanks to medical progress, there are good treatment options for HIV and AIDS, but it has not yet been possible to cure them.
"Protecting against infection remains a top priority," said Huml. According to the information provided, Bavaria provides "around 3.5 million euros a year for HIV prevention, information and counseling", whereby education is particularly important in order to curb the spread of HIV.
New campaign against discrimination
Welcome to a new nationwide campaign of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) and the Federal Ministry of Health on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1 December. "You can live with HIV today. Not with discrimination "is the central message of the campaign, which was presented to the public on Wednesday.
The posters show HIV-positive people with their demands for respect and acceptance. "A long and fulfilling life with HIV is possible today. However, discrimination and the fear of it are a burden for many people with HIV, "said Ulf Hentschke-Kristal, board member of the German AIDS Aid, in a statement by the BZgA. (No)