Unusually many cancer cases in Bothel

Cancer Registry confirms increased occurrence of cancer in Bothel
The inhabitants of the Lower Saxon velvet municipality of Bothel in the district of Rotenburg have an unusually high incidence of cancer, according to a recent analysis by the Epidemiological Cancer Registry of Lower Saxony (EKN). In the case of leukemias and lymphomas, a statistically significant increase in the observed new cases was observed for the years 2003 to 2012, reports the EKN. Although there is no official explanation for the high number of cancer cases, the inhabitants of the municipality suspect, according to the announcement of the „NDR“ a connection with natural gas production in the region.
The development of cancer is often critically related to environmental factors such as exposure to pollutants or radiation. For Bothel residents, it is reasonable to assume that the cancer incidence rates in their region are decreasing due to pollutants released during natural gas production. „This is because deposit water contaminated with benzene and mercury comes to the surface“, reports the „NDR“. For years, the residents noticed a significantly increased occurrence of cancer among the men in Bothel, now the EKN has confirmed this assessment with its official evaluation. The question remains, how to proceed. The following studies should help to identify the causes, but until these are identified, the men in Bothel continue to live at significantly higher risk of cancer.
533 new cancers in Bothel
Based on the reports from the population about an increased incidence of cancer cases in Bothel, the community had turned to the EKN and asked for an evaluation of the actual cancer. „In the district's inquiry, 12 groups of diagnoses were listed to check whether the incidence of New Disease in the municipality of Bothel was increased“, reports the EKN. For three groups of diagnoses, a separate evaluation for men („m“) and women („w“) performed. Altogether the investigation covered 98 per cent of all cancer cases from the years 2003 to 2012. „As a comparison region of the former administrative district Lüneburg was set“, so the message of the EKN. The analysis showed that in the years of diagnosis 2003 to 2012 in the integrated municipality of Bothel 533 people were newly diagnosed with cancer, whereas only 494 cases were to be expected.
Increased leukemias and lymphomas
Although there were also deviations from the expected values in the case of cancers in other diagnostic groups - such as prostate and testicular cancer - these differences were statistically negligible, according to the EKN. The situation is different with leukemias and lymphomas. In theory, only 21 new cases in men should have occurred here, but actually 41 men were suffering from lymphoma or blood cancer. „Thus, the group of leukemias and lymphomas in men in Bothel was statistically significantly increased in the 10-year period under review“, reports the EKN. In the case of women, however, no statistically significant deviations were found in new cases of cancer. A „In-depth analysis of the diagnostic group leukemia and lymphoma in men shows that in cases of multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in particular, more cases were observed than had been expected“, so the message of the EKN on.
Causes of cancer so far unclear
The experts of the EKN explain that based on the statistical evaluation of the cancer registry routine data, however, no statements on the cause of the local cancer collections are possible. Therefore, follow-up examinations are urgently needed, „to investigate which factors or particular circumstances might have caused this increase.“ It should also be clarified, „whether it is possible to obtain more detailed information on possible habitat, labor, environmental or individual risk factors of the patients.“ Furthermore, the EKN claims to have the data on the cancers in Bothel „continue monitoring from the year of diagnosis 2013, specifically looking at the diagnoses of multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.“
Follow-up examinations required
The residents and politicians of the Samtgemeinde Bothel showed up according to the announcement of the „NDR“ appalled by the results of the EKN evaluation and the mayor Rüdiger Woltmann (non-party) stressed that it is important to clarify where the cause of the increased cancer is. Here, the EKN will work closely with the district and the State Health Office. The results of the EKN evaluation should be in accordance with the data of the „NDR“ will be presented in detail on Monday, September 15 at an information evening in Rotenburg the local population. (Fp)