Unusually high prevalence of norovirus infections

The number of norovirus infections is currently unusually high in Lower Saxony, according to the announcement of the Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA). Several outbreaks have already been reported from several districts and the Norovirus season has just begun.
"The number of transmitted norovirus infections has increased in comparison to previous years and unusually early in the norovirus season," reports the state health department. Although the number of reports in the last weekly report decreased slightly, this is not to be considered at the moment as a signal for the relaxation of the general norovirus situation. "It is expected that the case numbers will rise again in the coming weeks," warn the experts.

Several county with larger outbreaks
Both in the district of Lüneburg, as well as in the districts of Harburg and Stade, increased norovirus infections have recently occurred according to the "NDR". In the district of Harburg, the virus was detected in five day care centers, a primary school and a nursing home. The municipalities of Seevetal and Buchholz are increasingly affected. The NLGA weekly report also identifies the unusually high number of norovirus infections in Lower Saxony.
Increased occurrence in community facilities
The weekly report presents the current situation of norovirus and rotavirus infections, both of which can lead to severe gastrointestinal complaints with sometimes severe vomiting and severe diarrhea, reports the NLGA. Because of the high contagiousness (smear infection) the diseases are usually more frequently found in community institutions such as kindergartens, schools, nursing homes and hospitals.
Rotavirus infections at a low level
The rotavirus infections remain at a very low level in the expected range of the previous year's figures, according to the announcement of the NLGA. On the other hand, the numbers of transmitted norovirus infections were still high compared to previous years and unusually early in the norovirus season. In NLGA's laboratory more gastroenteritis outbreaks have recently been investigated than in the previous weeks and "in five out of twelve gastroenteritis outbreaks, noroviruses could be detected as causative agents," reports NLGA.
Further increase in norovirus infections is expected
In the coming weeks, the experts expect a further increase in norovirus infections, as the main season of the pathogens is in the winter months. In view of the high risk of infection, particular attention should be paid to hygiene when dealing with patients. Sick persons are advised to bed rest in the acute phase of the disease and, up to 48 hours after the disease has subsided, contact with other persons should be restricted as far as possible. This applies in particular to persons in Community institutions and for employees in the food sector, according to the NLGA.
A special treatment for norovirus infections is not available, but can be supported by physical protection and especially a sufficient hydration healing. (Fp)