Survey More and more Germans order medication online

According to a recent survey, more and more people in Germany are ordering medication online. For many, this is more convenient than going to the pharmacy. In addition, remedies from the web are sometimes cheaper. Also more and more seniors use online pharmacies.
Every second Internet user has ordered medication online
Although it has been warned in recent months more often that the risk of getting counterfeit drugs, especially in online orders is large, but more and more people in Germany order their medication in the network. According to a survey by digital association Bitkom, about one in two Internet users (49 percent) already bought medicines from online pharmacies or other online drug retailers. That is equivalent to 27 million people. In 2012, there were only 30 percent of Internet users.

Especially popular with women
Online pharmacies are especially popular among women. According to Bitkom, 56 percent of Internet users have already ordered medicines on the Web, and 43 percent of Internet users. "Ordering medicines online saves time, money and effort. That's why it's almost as natural today as buying clothes and books online, "said Isabel Richter, pharmaceutical division manager at Bitkom, in a press release. "The online pharmacy in particular makes it much easier for working, chronically ill, immobile or elderly people to access medicines." For example, 49 percent of Internet users over the age of 65 have bought online medicines, and 50- to 64-year-olds even 59 percent. Of the 30- to 49-year-olds, 54 percent have already ordered medicines on the Internet and 31 percent of 14- to 29-year-olds.
Consumers have good experiences
On the net, both prescription and non-prescription drugs can be ordered at any time and place and paid in cash. Years ago, Bitkom had announced in a press release that reputable online pharmacies sell drugs only for prescription, if they are prescription. Owing to the lower fixed costs, over-the-counter drugs are often much cheaper on the net than in the presence pharmacy. The funds will normally be delivered to the requested address within a few days. Meanwhile, online pharmacies also rely on expert advice - by phone, e-mail or live chat. Most consumers seem to have good online shopping experience. According to the survey, 40 percent of buyers order "regularly" and 33 percent "sometimes". Twenty-one percent said they "rarely" buy drugs on the Web, and five percent have done so "only once". (Ad)