Survey Every third person is not well looked after by the doctor

Patients complain in a representative survey study too short doctor's office hours
Patients often spend more time at the doctor's office than at the examination. The average number of hours of consultation is eleven minutes, the patients report „World on Sunday“ citing the results of a representative survey of the market research company GfK. From previous investigations it is known that statutory health insurance on average wait almost half an hour at the doctor for their treatment. The waiting period is therefore well above the treatment duration.
The GfK survey also concludes that many patients do not feel well cared for by the doctor. That was loud „World on Sunday“ Nearly 30 percent of respondents believe that their doctor does not take enough time for them. This criticism was expressed above all by older and single people and more women than men. In relation to the waiting period of 27 minutes on average, the statutory health insurance according to a study commissioned by the BKK Federal Association from the year 2011 at the doctor must accept, the average treatment duration of eleven minutes quite relatively short. In addition, about twenty percent of the respondents in the GfK survey assumed that their doctor had only taken five minutes to help them on their last visit.
Many patients complain that the hours are too short
About one fifth of the patients said that their last consultation took 15 minutes. However, for most of the 1,000 patients surveyed, doctors had significantly less time. The health economist Peter Oberender explained to the „world“, that the lack of time of the physicians or the short office hours were due to false incentives. The physicians would often keep the proportion of conversations as short as possible on account of the flat-rate remuneration, which is granted by the health insurance companies to each patient. The use of devices or other treatment methods, which can be settled separately at the health insurance companies, will be preferred here.
Bottle of incentives in the compensation system of doctors
A similar criticism as the health economist Oberender expressed in the discussion with the newspaper, Ferdinand Gerlach, chairman of the expert council health. Gerlach explained that there were errors in the system, as doctors are ultimately forced, „to make sales and profit, to hire as many patients as possible.“ According to the experts, it requires a modified compensation system, which „rewards the commitment to patient recovery.“ It should also focus on prevention and early detection, Gerlach continues.
More doctors required for longer office hours
As doctors spend significantly more time on their patients, it also raises the question of how much capacity is available to meet this demand. Even today, the shortage of doctors in some regions of Germany is being complained about. The existing practices are overcrowded and waiting times are rising. Ultimately, it would require an increase in the number of physicians to ensure the length of the consultation hours desired by the patients. (Fp)
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Picture: Gerd Altmann