Survey confirms vaccine fatigue of Germans

Survey confirms vaccine fatigue of Germans: Only one in four vaccinated against influenza
The Germans are tired of vaccination. This comes from a commissioned by the news agency „dpa“ survey conducted by the polling institute „YouGov“ out.
Two-thirds of Germans want the results of a poll conducted by the polling institute „YouGov“ according to which this year will not be vaccinated against the flu. According to the Berlin Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the vaccination rate is roughly at the level of previous years, but the risk of influenza is still often underestimated, especially in the risk groups for which the RKI has issued an explicit vaccination recommendation. What has been observed for a long time against influenza vaccination, however, increasingly applies to the necessary booster vaccines against infectious diseases such as polio, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. According to the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) of the RKI, in some cases only 30 percent of adults in Germany have antibodies in protective amounts, as the booster doses have been neglected.
Swine flu no reason for more vaccinations
26 percent of the 1,029 respondents in the representative poll of „YouGov“ to have already been vaccinated against influenza, six percent wanted to get vaccinated during the winter. As a result, the flu vaccination rate remains at about the same level as the previous year, the RKI said. The recurrence of the swine flu, according to the results of the YouGov survey, is for most Germans no reason to protect themselves by vaccination. Only 21 percent of the vaccinated or vaccinated respondents in the poll conducted by the pollster said the pork (H1N1) was the personal rationale for the flu shot. Overall, however, the Germans seem a bit careless not only with the flu vaccines. In the booster vaccinations for the above-mentioned diseases - such as polio, diphtheria, whooping cough and others - the experts also observe that the period for refreshing is not adhered to and that there are corresponding gaps in vaccination protection.
Refreshment of basic vaccines is neglected
„We find time and again that many did not get the regular refresher on basic vaccinations when they come to us for travel vaccinations“, emphasized Professor Hans Dieter Nothdurft from the Tropical Institute of the University of Munich. It will still be „most likely (...) thought of tetanus“, but other vaccinations such as whooping cough or polio would be neglected, so the statement of the expert. Basically, the STIKO recommends adults to refresh their vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria every ten years, where „recently (...) with the refresher also the vaccination against whooping cough (pertussis)“ recommended, said Nothdurft. In particular, persons who have close professional or private contact with children, should protect themselves according to the expert with a corresponding booster vaccine, since „small children (...) essentially infected by adults“ become. The fact that many Germans treat their booster shots relatively negligently is attributable, among other things, to the fact that no one in the population knows about the horrors of the disease, since these hardly occur in Germany anymore since vaccination programs exist. For example, since 2000 no diphtheria case has been reported in Germany.
Flu vaccine: worry about the side effects
With regard to the flu vaccine, the situation is fundamentally a little different, as it has to be done almost every year, meaning that those affected must make regular decisions on a corresponding vaccination. In addition, the STIKO does not recommend every German a flu vaccine, but limited to people with chronic pre-existing conditions, people over the age of 60, pregnant women and medical staff. Meanwhile, the Federal Association of Paediatricians also advocates immunizing all children, as the doctors have stated, „that the number of sick children in the doctor's offices is increasing“, stressed the association president Wolfram Hartmann. In addition, children are on the one hand main carriers of swine flu and on the other hand particularly endangered, because their immune system is not yet mature, explained Hartmann. However, given the problems that have arisen during the past year with the side effects of the swine flu vaccine, population reservations remain.42 percent of respondents to the YouGov survey were worried about possible side effects, although experts such as the RKI vaccine expert Ole Wichmann emphasize that the current flu vaccine is very well tolerated and there are no concerns, „that there are significant side effects“.
Vaccination for certain diseases?
Overall, the Germans feel relatively well informed about the issue of swine flu. Around two-thirds (64 percent) of the respondents in the YouGov survey said they were well informed about the issue of swine flu. Only 22 percent said they still had knowledge gaps. Another result of the survey is that a majority of Germans would favor a general vaccination for certain diseases. Thus, 61 percent of the respondents said that they are responsible for a corresponding vaccination, 30 percent rejected such a principle. In East Germany, where in GDR times, for example, for poliomyelitis was already a general vaccination requirement, the approval for a general compulsory vaccination was significantly larger, although not necessarily in terms of flu. Despite the relatively high level of approval and the general vaccination-related fatigue, Ole Wichmann considers a general vaccination obligation to be unenforceable, since these are „an interference with personal freedom that is certainly incompatible with the constitution“ would. The RKI vaccination expert emphasized, „that you have to rely more on education.“ (Fp)
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