TV and fast food without influence on obesity?

TV, fast food, „healthy“ Diet and exercise without influence on obesity
A recent representative study of 2,571 children aged 7 to 9 has shown [1]: Television, fast food restaurants, and little exercise are not risk factors for obesity. „The authors refute the widespread misconception that obese children watch more television, eat hamburgers, fries and pizza more often and do less exercise than normal-weight children“, so nutritionist Uwe Knop. Another recent study confirms these findings: No association between „healthier“ Diet, sedentary activities and physical activity with obesity and obesity in 686 children between 9 and 11 years [2]. Both studies - conducted independently in Poland and Portugal - cite a correlation as significant, as confirmed by a third Norwegian study [3]: Obese parents are more likely to have obese children. „Whenever three new European studies come to this conclusion, this clearly speaks for genes as the dominant factor influencing obesity“, Knop explains.
No sport - no bacon
A detailed analysis of the representative Polish data reveals further interesting findings: in children who did not practice any sports, no statistical probability for obesity could be calculated - the reason: in the „no sports“-There were no obese girls or boys in groups. And whether the children eat in fast food restaurants or not had no effect on body weight - a result that had previously delivered a recent US study: The consumption of chips, pizza & Co. did not correlate with the child's body weight , Even the Portuguese researchers found no connection between „healthy or unhealthy“ Diet and the weight of children.
More underweight than obese children
In addition, two of the above studies [1,2] also looked at the relationship between parent income and educational attainment and the weight of children - with the result that no correlation was evident. This result also contradicts previous findings - in one of the largest pan-European studies in 8 countries, for example, a higher incidence of obese children in low-income and low-educated population groups was recently found [5]..
This study under German management further showed that in all German educational groups normal-weight children dominate (between 68 and 80%) - and there are more underweight (about 10%) everywhere than obese kids (between 3 and 8%) [Table 5] .2
Fat parents - fat children
The core result of the current studies, that a high BMI of parents is associated with severe offspring, was recently substantiated by the head of a study of the University Hospital Ulm, Professor Martin Wabitsch: „The weight of the mothers before they became pregnant later determines the weight of the elementary age children.“ Also resulting metabolic diseases could not be with „healthier“ Treat nutrition: „The children can not help it and the metabolism can not be reprogrammed.“ [6]
„healthy“ Nutrition & sports compulsion for children?
In contrast, the antiquated thinking mechanisms of German politicians should be reprogrammed - for not only the current study results unmask the recent policy advances once more as pure helplessness, which results in the usual prayer-like actionism: „If Minister of Agriculture Christian Schmidt nutrition education at home in nursery schools and calls [7] and the chairman of the Consumer Committee in the Bundestag, the Green Party politician Renate Künast prohibit food advertising for children, then one must seriously doubt that leading German Politicians know the current state of science and argue on this basis.“
The same applies to the local alliance against noncommunicable diseases (NCD), which daily sports one hour in schools and day-care centers as well as a sugar and fat tax „unhealthy“ Food calls [9]. „To date, science has not provided any evidence that any food or diet is making children fat or thin, ill or healthy - let alone evidence of what healthy baby nutrition is. And even the leading German nutrition institutions DGE, DIfE and aid * are of the opinion that the division into healthy and unhealthy food does not make sense.
Also, that regular sports protects the children from anything, is a mere nursery tale. All this is confirmed again by the latest research“, summarizes Knop, „In addition, to date no single measure has led to prevent obesity in children, let alone that fat children lose weight permanently. There is great confusion as to how thick children become thin.“
Eating and perception disorders in children
The question that arises instead is: What are the aims of politicians and lobbyists with this watering can control of all children and adolescents, if: 1. There is no scientific evidence for their demands and 2. Damage to child development can not be excluded? For example, the Children and Youth Study (KiGGS) of the Robert Koch Institute RKI showed: More than 20% of all 11 to 17-year-olds in Germany show signs of an eating disorder - and many suffer from perceptual distortions: „The perceived overweight weighs heavier than actual kilos too much.“ (KiGGS / WHO data [10,11,12]). It was „It is important to consider to what extent the current ubiquitous overweight campaigns increase the proportion of young people who consider themselves to be too fatless for no reason. It's about a very large proportion of normal-weight boys and girls who think they're too fat´ or 'way too fat´ hold“, was
the RKI conclusion already in 2008. (Guest contribution Uwe Knop)
Picture: dreimirk30
[1] Arch Med Sci. 2014 Oct 27; 10 (5): 880-5. Obesity risk factors in a representative group of Polish prepubertal children. Statements from the original study: „TV watching, physical activity levels and eating at fast food places were not significant risk factors for obesity.“
„There is a statistically significant association between the prevalence of obesity in girls and boys and their mother's obesity, father's obesity and both parents' obesity.“
„Neither family income nor parents' education level was related to their offspring'sobesity.“
„It was impossible to calculate OR [OddsRatio] for boys who did not engage in physical exercise at all, as there were no obese boys in that group.“
„There were no obese girls in such groups.“
„The present study is the first attempt to analyze the family and socioeconomic
risk factors of simple obesity on a large randomly selected group representative
7 to 9 years.“4
[2] Int. J. Environ. Public Health 2014, 11 (11), Published: 3 November 201, Overweight and Obesity in Portuguese Children: Prevalence and Correlates Statements from the original study:
„Differences between weight groups in nutritional habits, physical activity levels, sedentariness, sleep time and SES were not statistically significant.“
„Among children and children, no significant differences between healthy and unhealthy diets were found, and children from both groups had equal access to healthy and unhealthy foods.“ „There is also strong evidence showing BMI family aggregation, where children with parents with high BMI, tend to have high BMI values.“
[3] Public Health Nutr. 2014 Nov 10: 1-10. 7 years of age - The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study (MoBa) [Epub ahead of print].
[4] At the J Clin Nutr, January 2014, first published ahead of print October 23, 2013 The association of fast food consumption with poor dietary outcomes and obesity among children: is it the fast food or the remainder of diet?
[5] International Journal of Obesity (2014) 38, S99-S107, Prevalence of overweight
and obesity in European children under the age of 10
[6] Already programmed as a fetus on dick? FR online, 14.11.14
[7] Everyone has a responsibility for his health, world online, 17.11.4
[8] No food advertising for children, time online, 17.11.14
[9] Four measures to stop chronic diseases, mirror online, 12.11.14
[10, 11, 12] Feeling of feeling or actually overweight: What do young people suffer more about? and The health of children and adolescents in Germany, KiGGS study, RKI / German adolescents find themselves too fat, WHO / University of Bielefeld
* DGE, DIfE and aid
DGE = German Nutrition Society e.V.
DIfE = German Institute for Nutrition Research
aid = infodienst nutrition, agriculture, consumer protection e. V.