TÜV warns of poisonous bags in shoeboxes

TÜV Rheinland warns of poisonous bags in shoeboxes and handbags
TÜV Rheinland is currently warning consumers about small bags in shoeboxes. These are in the boxes and should protect the shoes from mold. However, these bags contain some harmful substances that cause skin irritation.
The TÜV Rheinland in Cologne warns consumers of toxic little white bags in shoe boxes and women's handbags. The bags contain small globules of chemicals to protect the goods from mildew. Is the imprint „Anti mold“ Visible, the bags usually contain the substance „dimethyl fumarate“. Skin contact with the balls may cause severe skin irritation similar to burns. Most bags are filled according to the tester with the harmless silicate gel. There are no health risks from this substance.
Toxic rubber shoes with softener fabrics
In addition to the bags, shoppers should also be aware of potentially hazardous substances in the footwear themselves. Plastic and rubber shoes often contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The chemicals are used as plasticizers. Karl Sander of TÜV Rheinland therefore warns against cancerous substances: "PAHs are impurities in plasticizing oils that can be absorbed through the skin and are considered carcinogenic.“ If the concentrations are very high, the named softener substances can sustainably damage the liver and the immune system. A negative sign is when the shoes smell very rubbery when buying. Then consumers should keep away from it. If you want to play it safe, you should also pay attention to the TÜV test seal "pollutant tested".
Shoe purchase in the afternoon
For the shoe purchase itself gives the TÜV expert a few tips: It is best to move the shoe purchase in the afternoon. By prolonged exposure, the feet are usually slightly wider than in the morning. This circumstance may well be noticeable in the shoe size. Before you buy the shoes, it should always be tried on. Now you should try a few steps with the new shoe to test the fit. „When unrolling, the toes must have enough room to the front, otherwise footwear will be permanently damaged if the shoes are too short.“ If in doubt, so the expert, one should opt for a larger model. A thumb width should provide space at the front. Otherwise, heel pain or pain on the sole of the foot may be at risk. (Sb)
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Picture: Rainer Sturm