TV Tip The History of Homeopathy

Homeopathy: Enlightenment on TV.
(11.08.2010) The fact that homeopathy is now taking on a serious role in the medical sector, as indicated by the regular campaigns of their opposition. But they also show that the principle of action of homeopathy is still far too little understood. On the occasion of the 200th birthday of homeopathy, BR-alpha will be presenting a six-part documentary on the development of gentle healing as a life's work of the physician Samuel Hahnemann from 26 August to 30 September in a historical-medical context.
Conventional Medicine vs. Homeopathy:
As a reminder, as part of a comprehensive campaign against alternative medicine, homeopathic opponents in England swallowed large amounts of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album in January, leaving them intact. Thus, for them, the absence of the active ingredient and the concomitant ineffectiveness of the homeopathic remedy has been proven.
In July, the "mirror" proclaims in this country the demand of the health politician dr. Lauterbach (SPD), homeopathic treatments from the catalog of benefits statutory health insurance completely delete, because an effect is not sufficient evidence.
Many homoeopaths shook their heads in the face of such ignorant ignorance, since it is one of the main principles of homeopathy to dilute drugs until only information about their action is preserved, which is understandable in quantum physics. In addition, speak 200 years of experience and the steadily growing trust of the German population in homeopathy (Allensbach study 2009) for themselves.
"The History of Homeopathy ":
Perhaps BR-alpha's documentary series on the history of homeopathy may help fill gaps in knowledge about the development and functioning of gentle therapy, so that the layperson (confused in the discussion) can form his own opinion. From 26.08. until 30.09. every Thursday at 19 o'clock one of six episodes of the series is broadcast.
The broadcast dates:
26 Auguste 2010; Episode 1/6: The search for another medicine
02 September 2010; Episode 2/6: Similar to the like, the simile principle
09 September 2010; Episode 3/6: The principle of potentiation
16 September 2010; Episode 4/6: Criticism of Hahnemann's Teaching
23 September 2010; Episode 5/6: Propagation and development
30 September 2010; Episode 6/6: Training and application today
If you would like to know more about the content of the individual episodes in advance, you can find out more here. (Jvs)
Also read:
Arnica in homeopathy
Opponents of homeopathy take public overdose
Health insurance accepts acupuncture for knee osteoarthritis
Homeopathy: soon no more cash?
Image: Marco Korf /