Despite fitness Every 2nd German too fat

Despite fitness Every 2nd German too fat / Health News

Why the BMI is considered a controversial factor in the assessment of obesity


Despite rising health awareness and many fitness trends, every second German suffers from overweight. This corresponds to a record high since the Federal Statistical Office's surveys began in 1999. But how does the high number of overweight people come about??

BMI is a controversial measure for assessing obesity
The World Health Organization (WHO) measures obesity with the so-called body mass index (BMI), which sets the ratio of body height to body weight in relation to each other. However, the BMI is considered by experts to be controversial, as it disregards the physique. Thus, muscle mass, which is very heavy, only flows into the weight, so that a high BMI can result without the person actually being overweight.

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) sees this as the reason for the high number of overweight Germans. „The BMI is based on the weight and does not take into account the different physique of people, "said Antje Gahl of the DGE to the news agency „dpa“. Therefore, not everyone who has a BMI between 25 (overweight) and 30 (obesity, obesity) should lose weight. „The BMI always gives only a guideline, "says the nutrition expert. „The excess fat pads only become a problem when they harm people. "This is the case when obesity, especially a high proportion of belly fat, leads to complications.

Belly fat is an indication of a health-threatening obesity. Therefore, the abdominal circumference is a good indicator, at least for slightly overweight, says Grahl. „The body fat that lies in the abdominal region promotes the development of diseases such as diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders and high blood pressure. "Women should have a waist circumference up to 80 centimeters, men not over 94 centimeters, higher values ​​may indicate dangerous overweight.

Former smokers are more likely to be overweight than smokers
According to the Federal Statistical Office, nearly three-quarters of male former smokers had a BMI of over 25 in 2013 and 57 percent of smokers. Among the ex-smokers, 47 percent found that the BMI was too high and 37 percent among smokers. Overall, 62 percent suffered from men and 43 percent from women.

When smokers stop smoking cigarettes, their metabolism reverses. Many are also looking for a replacement for the Glimmerstängel. Not infrequently, the consumption of candy increases. The result is often an increased body weight. „The slight increase in body weight is in no comparison to the risk of smoking, "says Martina Pötschke-Langer from the German Cancer Research Center (dkfz) to the news agency. „Smoking should not be used to regulate weight. "But how can smokers best stop? „You have to want - that's the decisive factor, "says the expert, saying that around 85 percent of all successful ex-smokers would have made it this way. „Smokers are considered a high-risk group for cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. These are our big problem children in medicine. "In addition, there is professional support in quitting.

To combat obesity, sufferers should pay attention to their daily calorie balance
Who wants to lose weight, must pay attention to a negative calorie balance, so less calories in the form of food to lead, as consumed. In addition, the calorie consumption should be increased by physical activity. „The bottom line is that it counts the calorie balance during the day. "That's why plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains should be on the menu, as well as plenty of water and unsweetened tea instead of lemonade and other high-calorie drinks. „It usually does not work without the physical activity. "The WHO therefore recommends 60 minutes of exercise a day, including daily activities such as climbing stairs and cycling.

Despite the high number of overweight people, futurologist Jana Ehret is convinced that our society „always healthier“ becomes. More and more people focused on exercise and tended to a healthy diet. Although lack of time is a big problem, many companies are now making offers to their employees, such as company sports groups, yoga classes or other sports courses. „Managers meditate during their lunch break, "says Ehret.

Image: Dieter Schütz