Blood donated despite the heat

Blood donated despite the heat / Health News
German Red Cross calls for blood donation before the summer holidays
When the summer temperatures rise, only a few people donate blood. So that it does not come to bottlenecks, ask the German Red Cross (DRK) and private donation services for support.

The German Red Cross advocates a willingness to donate blood, despite the current heat. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Donating blood is not a health risk even in the heat
"Even in times of great heat, donating blood to healthy people is possible and agreeable," explains the German Red Cross to the news agency. In principle, anyone who is at least 18 years old can donate, provided there are no health concerns. There should be at least eight weeks between two whole blood donations, according to the hemotherapy guidelines. Women are allowed to donate blood four times a year in Germany and six times in men. It is important to eat and drink well before a donation.

In addition to the German Red Cross, the Haema blood donation service also calls to donate blood again before the holiday trip or the trip to the lake. Every year around 107 million blood donations are needed worldwide. The stored blood is stable for about 40 days.

Further information on blood donation can be found on the DRK website: (Ag)