Despite heel spurs grab the favorite shoes

Despite heel spurs grab the favorite shoes / Health News

Despite heel spurs grab the favorite shoes: With shock waves for pain


Colorful ballerinas and airy sandals are the favorite shoes of many women in summer. When unpadded shoes cause heel pain at every step, a heel spur, a spike-like bony extension on the heel bone, often causes discomfort. Between ten and twenty percent of all adults between the ages of 50 and 60 suffer from such calcium deposits, and women are more likely to be affected than men. In many cases, even small exercises help to prevent the occurrence or to relieve existing symptoms. In addition, shock wave therapy provides a gentle treatment option for surgery.

„Not only incorrect footwear, but also overloading the sport, obesity and misalignment of the feet favor the emergence of such a spur“, explains Dr. Ramin Nazemi, board member of the "orthonet-NRW", an association of established orthopedists from North Rhine-Westphalia. People who practice their profession standing up often complain of painful heels. To provide more stability and relief of the tendons, the body deposits lime on the tendon attachments. Over time, a bony extension forms. Basically, such a deposit does not always cause complaints. Only with an inflammation of the surrounding tissue it comes to unpleasant pain.

Who feels at every step, to step in a nail, the best is an orthopedist. He determines the correct treatment method based on the type and extent of the spur. For short-term symptoms usually helps to relieve the foot and cool until the pain subsides. Padded insoles help heal the inflammation. It minimizes the pressure on the heel. When conservative treatments do not work, professionals often use shock wave therapy. In this method, bundled sound waves hit the affected area, which leads to a softening of the process. They stimulate the metabolism and accelerate the healing process. In contrast to an operation, the treatment does not pose any risk with high chances of success. Many patients feel an improvement after the first treatment. However, the treatment achieves an optimal result after three to six applications.

But it does not have to be that far. If you do not want to give up your sandals on warm days, treat your feet with a change. Other padded shoes that support the foot optimally prevent overloading. In addition, small exercises reduce discomfort and have a preventative effect. They take little time and can be easily integrated into everyday life. To fold a towel with your feet or to massage the soles of your feet with a hedgehog ball relieves the ligaments and promotes physical stability. „These exercises stretch and strengthen tendons and muscles of the sole of the foot. Patients are best trained under the guidance of an orthopedic surgeon and continue to do so at home“, advises Dr. Nazemi. (Pm)