Triclosan No bacteria-free hands with added chemical soap

Many people rely on antibacterial soaps in the fight against pathogens. A new study now shows that this brings nothing with the commonly used ingredient triclosan. The chemical additive can even damage your health.
Washing hands protects against pathogens
Thorough hand washing is important to protect yourself from dangerous pathogens. Many people rely on antibacterial soaps. But such products are not only expensive, but in many cases useless. Sometimes they can even harm your health. A research team from South Korea reports that triclosan, which is found in many solid and liquid soaps, does not reduce the bacterial count in the usual concentration. The scientists came to this conclusion in several experiments. This substance has long been said to have a potentially harmful effect.

Triclosan offers no added benefit
You do not have to resort to expensive special products when washing your hands to protect yourself from germs. Conventional soap is enough. The magazine "Ökotest" came earlier this year to the conclusion that antibacterial products are popular but superfluous. The tested products, such as liquid soaps, disinfectant gels, sanitary towels or sprays, could not keep promises such as "removing 99.999 percent of all bacteria". A new study by researchers from South Korea now shows that the antibacterial substance triclosan in the soap offers no additional benefit when washing hands. In the concentration in which it is contained in commercial soaps, it does not reduce the bacterial count. This was the result of a research team led by Min-suk Rhee from Korea University in Seoul. The scientists recently published their findings in the journal "Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy". For their investigation, the researchers exposed 20 bacterial strains to a soap solution containing 0.3 percent triclosan for 20 seconds. 20 seconds is about the average time we spend on washing hands. According to the news agency dpa, the triclosan concentration is the highest in the EU and many countries allowed enrichment in soaps.
Use prohibited in some countries
The researchers found that the triclosan solution did not have a better effect than the same soap solution without triclosan in either a 22 degree or 40 degree trial. Only after a contact time of about nine hours, there was a noticeable difference between soapy solutions with and without the chemical. The researchers then asked 16 healthy adults to wash their hands with one of the two soaps. It was found that the bacterial count was reduced approximately equally in both cases. According to the scientists, solutions with higher concentrations of 0.45 to 2.0 percent triclosan had a noticeable effect on bacteria in previous studies. However, such soaps are currently no longer allowed to be used in many states.
Because of possible health problems in the review
Triclosan has been under criticism for a long time because of possible health problems. In late 2014, a US research team came to the conclusion in an experiment with mice that triclosan could promote liver cancer. In addition, there are indications that the substance can lead to hormonal disorders and harms the muscles. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) had already demanded in 2006 that antibacterial agents such as triclosan should be reserved for disinfection in hospitals and medical practices. Otherwise, the development of resistance could be promoted by bacteria.
Consequences for the environment
In addition, triclosan, which is used in many disinfectants and cleansers, cosmetics and special clothing, can also have environmental consequences. According to the Federal Environmental Agency, it is toxic to algae. A mining substance of it richer in fish, among other things. According to dpa, a team led by Christina Pieper from the BfR concluded in a 2014 study that antimicrobials are also superfluous in household cleaners: "There are no risks to health from microorganisms in a regularly cleansed household, provided the basic rules of hygiene are observed "The Industry Association for Personal Care and Detergent (IKW) has been informed about the use of triclosan that there are no new scientifically recognized findings that could call into question the application in cosmetic products. The safety of Triclosan has therefore been reviewed several times. It should be noted that not all liquid and solid soaps that are advertised as "antibacterial" contain triclosan. (Ad)