Trierer children's intensive care unit attacked by germs

Trierer children's intensive care unit attacked by germs / Health News

Trierer children's intensive care unit attacked by germs


Despite increased protective measures, the Borromäerinnen in Trier, the dangerous germ, spreads in the hospital „Serratia marcescens“ always on. This actually harmless bacterium is widespread in nature. Many people even carry it in themselves without really getting sick. However, the germ can be life-threatening for premature babies. Your immune system still does not have enough defenses to protect against it. Infections can lead to blood poisoning, which can quickly reach fatal levels in children. Already on 21 October, the clinic, which is the only one in the region to have a premature birth ward, went public. By this time, seven premature babies have been carrying germs. „When the seventh Serratia case was discovered, it was clear that we would not get a grip on the spread“, said his time Oliver Kunitz, medical director of the parent company. Help could be a disinfection of the rooms. But this is only possible if all premature and newborns are dismissed.

There are currently ten babies in the isolated ward. Eight of them carry the bacteria of the genus Serratia. As a precaution, it is better to close the children's intensive care unit and the neighboring ward, although no germs have been discovered there. For temporary emergencies, a temporary intensive care unit was set up. Up to 200 so-called risk babies are born every year in the parent company. Despite all precautions, the germ has spread yet. "We have no explanation of where the germ comes from," says chief physician Thomas and points out once again that the ward with healthy newborns and the intensive care unit are not affected.

Germs in hospitals are not uncommon
Reports of dangerous and resistant germs in hospitals, which have also infected patients, have been commonplace in the past. Stations often had to be shut down to prevent their spread. Occasionally there were also deaths. So far in Trier no child has really come to harm. This is due not least to the rapid introduction of protective measures that could prevent them from spreading. Nevertheless, it must be clarified how the bacteria could reach the intensive care unit. Because all additional risks for the already weak infants should be minimized as much as possible (fr)