Tricks to lose weight Do not eat after 18.00?

A simple rule should help you lose weight: If you stop eating after 6 pm, you automatically lose excess weight. Can this really be that this simple diet tip is already enough to lose weight? We asked once.
Sport alone does not help you lose weight
Sport is helpful in losing weight, it eliminates the constant hunger and ensures that calories are burned. But exercise alone is not enough to get rid of excess pounds. Much more important is a corresponding diet. Experts and lay people have long argued which diets are more appropriate and healthier. For example, is it better to use less fat or less carbs when losing weight? And when should you eat the best?

Should one renounce his dinner?
Health experts say irregular food damages one's health. But at what time of day are big meals useful? At least not in the evening mean many people who want to reduce their weight. They abstain from their supper to become slim or stay. Eating after 18.00 o'clock is supposed to make you fat. Is that true??
Fat metabolism works slower in the evening
Yes, says Professor Andreas Pfeiffer. According to the director of the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Charité Berlin campus Benjamin Franklin, it can be observed that the same meal is processed differently in the morning and in the evening by the body. According to the expert, "the blood sugar increase after dinner is higher in the evening and the fat metabolism works more slowly."
"Eating in the evening is less favorable," says Pfeiffer. This applies regardless of what you eat. But: "A connection with weight gain is not clearly proven." For children and adolescents, this does not seem to apply anyway. For example, King's College in London reported in a study that eating does not make you fat in the evening. The researchers conducted a study of children and teenagers between the ages of four and 18, and found that those who eat late at night do not have an increased risk of being overweight.
Do without alcohol and nibble
According to Pfeiffer people who want to pay attention to their figure in the first half of the day could eat more and should in the evening as little as possible - so low in calories - eat. The expert advises, for example, to salad and vegetables. However, most salad dressings are not recommended. According to experts, ready-to-eat yoghurt dressings turn a salad into a heavy diet. It often helps to avoid being overly alcoholic and nibbling in the evenings. (Sb)