Tester cheap sunscreen in many cases better

Stiftung Warentest gives recommendations for good suntan lotion
Summer, sun, beach and sea: Especially on holiday, it is essential to ensure sufficient sun protection, so as not to risk sunburn. Accordingly, it is important to have a reliable means in the luggage. Stiftung Warentest has currently tested 19 products and achieved a largely good result. However, two of the most expensive products could not convince and failed in the test with "poor" from.
Large supply is a lot of consumers are spoiled for choice
In sunny weather, a good sunscreen is especially important to protect the sensitive skin from sunburn, skin aging and skin cancer. The supply of sprays and creams in a variety of price categories is large and accordingly provides for many consumers uncertainty. "Which product protects my skin the best?" The Stiftung Warentest has also asked itself this question and has currently tested 19 agents with a factor of 30 and 50 in various forms of application. For the task of sunscreen is not only the protection against UV radiation, instead, he should also "distribute well and not as a white film on the legs, stomach or tip of the nose adhere," the Foundation.

Sprays from the aerosol can are especially easy to disperse
According to the testers, this requirement was met by the sprays from the aerosol can, because they were particularly easy to apply and can also be applied upside down. It should be noted, however, that the containers are under pressure and therefore should not be used in high heat. In addition, consumers should not spray the aerosol products directly into the face to prevent the fine mist from entering the airways. Instead, the testers recommend putting the product in the hands first and then carefully spreading it to the cheeks, nose, forehead and ears.
The funds from the pump bottle could be spread according to Stiftung Warentest in most cases well, which was especially true for transparent sprays and lotions with a finer spray head. For children, however, the classic sunscreen from the tube proved particularly suitable with regard to the application form. Because these pose no danger to the respiratory tract, moreover, they can not be accidentally sprayed in the eyes, the testers continue. Creams also ranked best in terms of protection. The leader here was the product "Douglas Sun" (13 euros), closely followed by the much cheaper Lidl products
("Cien Sun Classic" for 2.89 euros) and Penny and Rewe ("Today Sun" for 2.49 euros) followed. All three products had been reliably protected with SPF 30 and provided, according to the testers for a sufficient hydration of the skin.
Two of the most expensive products come off as "poor"
"Nivea sun" (11 euros) achieved the best result with a factor of 30 among the handy pump spray bottles. Likewise, the cooling spray of "Nivea sun Protect & Refresh" (13 euros) and the "Eucerin Sun Spray Transparent" (20.40 euros), each with a factor of 50, received a "good" from the foundation. By contrast, losers in the investigation were just two of the more expensive offers. According to the Foundation, the "Eco Sun Lotion for Sensitive Skin" (€ 19.90) was not in agreement with the relationship between UVB and UVA protection, which means that reliable protection can not be 100% guaranteed. The second "poor" got the "Tyrolean nut oil sun milk original" (22,90 Euro), because in the nut oil were too many germs.
Home remedies for sunburn provide natural help
But even with the most reliable means should always be considered that they do not protect indefinitely from the sun. Accordingly, dermatologists recommend again and again, especially to avoid the direct midday sun and otherwise pay attention to the highest possible sun protection factor. In addition, should always proceed generously when using and ensure that all parts of the body are sufficiently creamed. Likewise, regular nighttime creams are important, especially when bathed. However, if it is too late, proven home remedies for sunburn can provide a good first aid measure. Well-acting here, for example, Quarkwickel or soaked in black tea wipes, which are placed on the affected areas. Also cucumber slices are good, as they have a cooling effect, as well as aloe and oak bark are considered as medicinal plants into consideration. (No)