Tester fitness bracelets do not help in weight loss

At the present time, for many people a long-term healthy diet and adequate exercise is very important. More and more adults exercise regularly and pay attention to their body weight. There are also more technical devices available today to support this new fitness trend. But are such devices really useful? The use of so-called fitness trackers leads to additional weight loss?
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Health and Physical Activity have now discovered that using fitness trackers does not lead to additional weight loss. The experts published the results of their study in the journal "JAMA".

Help us to lose fitness tracker faster?
Nowadays, many people pay more attention to their weight. A good figure and a healthy body weight have a high priority in today's society. Many use so-called fitness bracelets (fitness trackers) to lose weight faster and achieve their dream figure, explain the authors. Even health insurance companies support the new trend. Techniker Krankenkasse TK wants to finance fitness bracelets. Scientists are now studying the impact of these fitness bracelets on weight loss.
Other weight management leads to greater success
Subjects wore a fitness tracker for more than 24 months. During this time, users lost about 2.4 kg in weight. However, this weight loss was lower than among the participants from the other study group. They used a website that monitored their weight loss, Dr. John M. Jakicic from the University of Pittsburgh's Department of Health and Physical Activity. So the question arises: what do fitness trackers really bring?
Study examines nearly 500 subjects with obesity
For their investigation, the researchers recruited nearly 500 subjects in Pittsburgh. The participants were between 18 and 35 years old and overweight. First, the subjects had to attend some weekly meetings. They monitored weight changes and discussed nutrition and exercise strategies, say the experts. Later, the subjects met only monthly and each participant held telephone conversations with counselors about his progress in weight loss.
Subjects were divided into two groups
After six months, half of the participants began monitoring their diet and physical activity through a website. The other half used a portable fitness tracker, explain the doctors. For example, the device calculated the steps taken, sleep hours and calories burned.
After two years, the weight loss was evaluated
After two years the participants had lost on average 3.5 kg with the portable fitness bracelets. Subjects monitoring their weight loss using a website lost about 5.9 kg. Participants of both groups had improved body composition, fitness, physical activity and nutrition, the researchers explain.
Fitness bracelet as motivation for sport
The results do not mean that so-called fitness bracelets do not work properly. There are so many factors that can affect weight loss. Thus, it is difficult to say whether the use of these devices is worthwhile or whether fitness trackers are generally not necessary for the achieved weight loss, say the experts. If a fitness bracelet motivates you to exercise, then it is certainly worth the money. But fitness trackers are not about a fashion statement or a trend.
Monitoring is helpful in successful weight management
Monitoring activity, behavior and nutrition is very important for success in weight management. This monitoring makes it easier to lose weight tremendously. Actually, sufferers only need to consume a reasonable amount of calories and, for an additional 30 to 60 minutes a day, perform moderate to strong activity, say the authors. Weight monitoring can help in achieving these goals. (As)