Foil tester aluminum can be used in certain foods

Even though the temperatures are not yet in play, the summer is just around the corner. And with him the barbecue season. Grill fans often use aluminum foil or aluminum trays to sizzle steaks, sausages, fish, cheese and vegetables. This, however, damages the environment and in some cases is bad for your health.

Observe safety and health aspects when grilling
Even if the weather often does not play along properly, the barbecue season has begun. No matter if it's meat, sausages, fish, potatoes, vegetables or cheese: Grill fans can spend hours talking about how it tastes especially good on the grill. However, safety and health aspects are rarely addressed. But such topics are of great importance. Experts point out again and again that when grilling no methylated spirits should be used, as this not only often leads to burns, but also harms the health. It can also be bad for your health if you use aluminum bowls or aluminum foil when grilling. At least if the wrong thing in the aluminum is packed.
Do not pack sour and salty foods in aluminum
Grill fans often rely on aluminum foil and trays to prevent fat dripping into the embers. As a result, carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, short PAKs arise. According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the use of aluminum trays when grilling meat is acceptable. However, acidic and salty foods should not come in contact with aluminum as the metal dissolves under the influence of acid or salt and can be converted into food. The label often states that aluminum foils should not be used in conjunction with foods that are highly acidic or saline.
Alternatives to aluminum bowls
As an alternative to the disposable aluminum bowls offer stainless steel bowls or enamel bowls, which can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher after use. The Stiftung Warentest points out that cheese, vegetables or fish can also be packed in banana leaves - available in the Asian supermarket - or in cabbage, chard, rhubarb or grape leaves. Other options include refractory porcelain dishes or grill pans. Accessories such as grill grids, fish grills or grilling boards also often make aluminum foil and dishes superfluous. It is also advisable to set up several temperature zones on the grill, because when grilled directly, it quickly burns and burns the food. For this you change either the amount of coal or the distance from the grate to the embers.
Poison for the nervous system
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends that you do not take in more than one milligram (mg) of aluminum per kilogram of body weight. However, according to the BfR, many people only consume so much aluminum in their meals that the weekly tolerated quantity has already been exhausted. An increased uptake of aluminum has long been associated with the development of diseases such as breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease, although the data is not yet clear. According to experts, Alu is poison for the nervous system, fertility and unborn life. It also influences bone development, warns the Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg. However, humans do not only absorb aluminum through their diet, but also via cosmetics. Although the health hazard is not scientifically proven, many consumers believe deodorant aluminum can be dangerous.
Reduce exposure to aluminum
Consumer Advice has some advice on how to reduce the burden of aluminum. So aluminum foil should not be brought into contact with salty or sour foods such as cured sausage, tomatoes, rhubarb, applesauce or lemon juice. In aluminum foil should not or rarely be cooked. Barbecue shells are an exception, with the risk to be carefully weighed. Aluminum drinking bottles should be cleaned gently and if they are damaged, do not use anymore. Cooking utensils made of aluminum, especially camping dishes but also steam extractors, are taboo. Avoid prepared meals made of aluminum trays as much as possible and refrain from using aluminum-containing cosmetics such as deodorants, lipsticks, suntan lotion and toothpaste, especially on damaged skin. The doctor can also ask for aluminum-free medicines. (Ad)