Test Carcinogenic Substances in PC Keyboards & Co

Test Carcinogenic Substances in PC Keyboards & Co / Health News

Carcinogenic: Many engineering products with massive pollution


Many technology products that consumers come in contact with daily contain hazardous contaminants, according to a recent study commissioned by the computer magazine „c't“. In laboratory tests of the plastic of keyboards, mice, earbuds, so-called bumpers (cell phone protective cover) and USB cables, many harmful substances were detected. Including short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCP), which are considered carcinogenic and are actually banned in the EU.

A total of 28 technical products and some USB cables sent the magazine to the lab for examination, not least because the smell of the products in many cases already appeared suspicious. In particular, articles with which users have daily skin contact, were the focus of research. In the „Laboratory analysis, we have not only discovered carcinogenic substances, but also devices that should not have been sold so actually“, reports the „c't“. The pollutant SCCP has been detected in four tested earphones, in two mice, a keyboard and two USB cables. Accordingly, nearly one third of the products contained the Europe-wide prohibited substance. As a sad leader calls the magazine „the supplied earphone cable of Swees MP3 player“, in which 20,291 milligrams per kilogram of SCCP were detected.

Pollutants enter the organism when in contact with the skin using technical products
Many people have daily skin contact with the examined technology products, which is particularly critical for contained pollutants, as these are not only absorbed through the skin, but also promotes the sweat of releasing harmful chemicals, reports the computer magazine. Softeners contained in plastic products, PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and other pollutants thus enter the human organism and can cause considerable consequential damage here. With regard to the PAH, however, the manufacturers are now apparently sensitized. Thus, according to the „c't“ only in one of the 28 test products a significantly increased PAH concentration was found (in the rubber feet of the „Good companions“-Keyboard found 530 milligrams per kilogram of PAH). However, according to the magazine also included four more keyboards, three mice, two USB cables and three earphones PAK. But it will not be until next year for products with which people usually come into skin contact, a concentration of certain PAHs of a maximum of one milligram per kilogram prescribed.

The laboratory tests were reported by the „c't“ In addition „In the iProtect iPhone 5C protective case, the highly toxic industrial chemical phenol“ found. The concentration was at 104 milligrams per kilogram. In addition, plasticizers had been detected in eleven of the 28 technical products. Overall, the results of laboratory tests of the „c't“-Magazine concludes that the manufacturers of technical products have so far been careful not to use any hazardous substances in their products. Although this is urgently required for items that consumers have skin contact with every day. Here it is to be hoped that the current investigation at least some manufacturers are more sensitized to the issue. For their part, users can not adequately protect themselves, as striking features (such as toxic odor) do not occur with all pollutants and manufacturers do not provide information on the chemicals they contain. For example, SCCP and phthalates (plasticizers) are completely odorless. (Fp)

Image: Eklih Mmorf