Test mineral oil almost always in nut chocolate

Test mineral oil almost always in nut chocolate / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: One in three nut chocolates performs well in the test


Stiftung Warentest experts have examined 26 nut chocolates, including organic chocolate. The result: Only one in three nuts chocolate is in the test with the grade „Well“ from. Four high-priced products of premium brands cut „very well“ off, while three only one „inadequate“ received. Including the nut chocolate from Rittersport, Kaufland and the organic product from Rapunzel.

Nut chocolate was also tested for harmful substances
Nut chocolate is one of the most popular sweets of the Germans. Especially in the run-up to Christmas some people pay less attention to the calories and indulge in one or two extra tablets. Reason enough for Stiftung Warentest to take a closer look at 26 nut chocolates from various manufacturers and price segments, including milk, whole milk and fine milk chocolate. Six of the tested products are certified with the Biosiegel and 15 with a sustainability seal like Utz certified or Fairtrade. Prices for a 100 gram board vary between 39 cents and 3 euros.

The consumer advocates examined the nut chocolates among other things with regard to their content of nuts, for which there is no legal regulation, and their taste. In addition, the appearance, sensor technology, flavoring, the content of pollutants such as molds, germs, mineral oils, pesticides and cadmium as well as the packaging and declaration were checked.

Nut chocolate from Rittersport, Kaufland and Rapunzel falls through
There were serious qualitative differences. Thus, the experts were the nut chocolates manufacturer Rittersport, Kaufland and Rapunzel only with „inadequate“ rate. In the case of Ritter Sport's product, the consumer advocates criticized above all the statement „natural Aroma“ in the ingredients list. According to the test result, the chemically produced aromatic substance piperonal is also present in the nut chocolate.

Stiftung Warentest also discovered similarly untrue information with regard to the flavorings in Kaufland's chocolate. Here is only the note on the label „The product also contains synthetic vanillin, according to the testers, and in the Kaufland product, the inspectors also detected so-called aflatoxins, which are mold carcinogens from carcinogenic nuts permissible maximum level for nuts, stressed the testers.

The consumer advocates also found a faulty list of ingredients in the nut chocolate of organic manufacturer Rapunzel. According to the test report, 28 percent fewer hazelnuts were present in the product than indicated on the packaging. In addition, the specification of whole cane sugar and cane sugar as the main ingredients was not voted because it does not fit the total sugar content, so Stiftung Warentest.

Nine nut chocolates were awarded by Stiftung Warentest „Well“ rated
After all, nine chocolates received the grade „Well“. These included four higher-priced premium brands (Lindt, Feodora, Hachez and Swiss + Confisa), which in the sensory assessment „very well“ sections. The cheap nut chocolates of discounters Aldi and Lidl also cut with the note „good off.

Stiftung Warentest also rated ten of the 26 chocolates as „satisfying“ and four products with „sufficient“. The consumer protection review can be downloaded online for a fee. (Ag)

Picture: Rainer Sturm