Test cheap sun creams best

Test cheap sun creams best / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: Cheap sun creams best


Stiftung Warentest tested various sunscreens, sun creams and gels at the beginning of the summer holidays. The result was as in the years before: A healthy and protective sunscreen does not have to be expensive. On the contrary, in the investigations cut off the cheapest products from time to time.

The summers and thus the solar time is approaching. Most families have already booked their vacation and the first ones start putting together the first aid kit. On holiday, of course, a high quality sunscreen cream is not missing. Most people assume that „expensive“ also the same „Well“ means. But this is a fallacy of the burden on the wallet, but the skin is not gentle. On the contrary, some expensive products were even questionable in terms of health. Good sun protection does not have to be expensive, because in the investigation of the Stiftung Warentest these products sometimes ended up in the rear seats and did not even fulfill promised effects.

26 sun creams in the test
In total, the Stiftung Warentest tested 26 sunscreens with a medium sun protection factor. Each product had a sun protection factor of at least 20. Overall, the results were on average pleasing. Some products had, however, with „inadequate“ be graded. With four sun creams, the sun protection factor was not enough. Here, according to the data of the goods tester, the specified values ​​were exceeded by more than 20 percent. Annoying, if one relies as a consumer on the advertised sun protection factor and accordingly enjoys the sunbathing. Since the indication of the protection factor but must be strictly adhered to, so you do not suffer as a consumer acute and dangerous for health sunburn, received the product „Clarins Sun Care Soothing Cream“ the predicate „inadequate“.

Only a few sun creams were waterproof
A second important criterion in beach holidays is the water resistance of the cream. All tested manufacturers stated on the product data that a water resistance exists. Although the manufacturing requirements for the producer are relatively low, only 8 out of 20 funds could meet the minimum requirements.

Wrong advertising promises on the packaging hazardous to health
Some advertising promises on the products could even endanger the health massively. So a manufacturer promised that a single application would protect the whole day. This is extremely negligent and nobody should trust it, warns the dermatologist Rose. „If you want to protect yourself sufficiently from harmful UV radiation, you need to lubricate yourself evenly every 2 hours with a highly effective sunscreen“.

The testers of Stiftung Warentest were surprised about the price structure of individual products in the context of effectiveness. Test winner was namely a cost-effective sunscreen creams. On the one hand, Rossmann's sunscreen cost 1.50 euros per 100 milliliters with the brand name „Sun ozone“ to convince. The more expensive cream from Nivea also did very well. The transparent spray with the name „Nivea Sunn Light Feeling“ received as well „very well“. Also good cut the sunscreen „Sun Dance“ the drugstore chain „dm“ from. This product is not only effective, but also very cheap with two euros per 100 ml. The most expensive product Lancaster Sun Sport Fast Dry Sun Protection Gel for 36 Euros per 100 milliliters of all the reviewed products was the worst, only getting the grade „satisfying“.

Perfumes and hormones
In addition to the Stiftung Warentest, Ökotest regularly checks the sun creams of the manufacturers. Last year, it was noticeable that many product manufacturers use mineral filter substances. Experts suggest that these substances act much like hormones. Only in 2013 are the producers obliged to include this substance in the ingredients. Also classified as questionable Ökotest contained fragrances. These could be allergenic and cause skin irritation in sensitive people. Therefore, consumers should preferably resort to natural cosmetics, as there are not contained corresponding ingredients and active ingredients. A current test for this year is still pending from Ökotest. (Sb)

Also read:
Sunscreen does not protect against skin cancer
Every third person gets sick on vacation
First aid with sunburn

Clarissa Black