Rate bike climate test of your hometown

Rate bike climate test of your hometown / Health News

Bike Climate Test: How cyclist-friendly is my city?


Bicycling not only protects the environment but also has positive health effects. Therefore, both the Federal Government, as well as the state governments and municipal parliaments have called for a significant expansion of the necessary infrastructure in order to strengthen cycling as a whole. The Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) offers with the bicycle climate test a possibility to determine the actual state in the different cities and regions and to read possible improvements compared to the previous years. With the support of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), the ADFC is now carrying out the bicycle climate test for the sixth time, so that the time comparison can provide important insights here.

The ADFC test allows cyclists to rate the cycling climate in their city or community. First, the postal code is given and then follows a questionnaire in which, for example, the condition of the bike paths or the feeling of security as a cyclist should be evaluated. On the basis of the data obtained, the ADFC wants to determine in the end how cyclist-friendly the respective cities and municipalities are. The test should run until the end of November. „Many cities and towns have turned on their bike friendliness in recent years“, now the survey should show, „whether the efforts are reflected in public opinion“, reports the ADFC.

Cyclists invited to participate in the cycling climate test
The ADFC bicycle climate test in 2012 had already attracted over 80,000 citizens and rated 332 cities. „A fantastic result, which the ADFC wants to reach again, but would rather surpass“, emphasized the head of the ADFC Ulrich Syberg. „I challenge members and activists to join in and promote the ADFC bicycle climate test“, Syberg continues. Because with the assessments deficits can be raised and impulses for future improvements can be set. Katherina Reiche, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) stated at the beginning of the test, „that people like to ride and cycle a lot, where it feels comfortable and safe.“ Here, the bicycle climate test of the ADFC will give the municipalities important information on possible improvements. (Fp)

Picture: sokaeiko