Test result Too little advice in pharmacies

Test result Too little advice in pharmacies / Health News

On-site pharmacies and mail order pharmacies show weaknesses in advice


In the traditional pharmacies on site as well as in mail-order pharmacies, there is often no adequate advice, according to the latest findings of a study by Stiftung Warentest. Only eight out of 38 pharmacies tested tested one in the current test „Well“ from.

To protect consumers in Germany applies for pharmacies pharmacy. The medicines may only be passed on by qualified professionals, who should also provide patients with information on the threatening side effects and interactions. Therefore, there is also a duty to advise. Stiftung Warentest has now investigated the extent to which pharmacies live up to their responsibilities.

Only every fifth pharmacy advises „Well“
Total would have „Only four of the 21 on-site pharmacies from the Dresden, Frankfurt am Main and Hanover area audited by Stiftung Warentest do their job well“ mastered, reports the "Stiftung Warentest". Of the 17 tested mail-order pharmacies also received only four „Well“ as a rating. A Versandapotheke cut according to data of the donation even with „inadequate“ from. To test the professional qualification of the pharmacies, „On-site and mail-order pharmacies were given the same seven tasks: three on interactions and three on over-the-counter medicines“, so today's release of Stiftung Warentest. The seventh task was the professional production and labeling of a recipe, which was only nine of the 38 pharmacies „very well“ have mastered. In general, the pharmacies had shown rather weaknesses in the professional quality, whereas the service was usually good.

Threatening interactions often not addressed
Only one of the tested pharmacies recognized, according to the Stiftung Warentest „all important interactions.“ The appropriate mail-order pharmacy in the test case, inter alia, in writing, „that over-the-counter St. John's wort can reduce the effect of the blood thinner Xarelto - and thus about the protection against heart attack and stroke.“ Only slightly more than half of the pharmacies had clearly warned of the danger. The mail-order pharmacies performed much better in terms of the indications of impending interactions in the current test than the local pharmacies. „Maybe they use the usual software more often pharmacies, indicating a risky interaction of drugs“, so the assumption of the Stiftung Warentest. In return, the on-the-spot pharmacies would have informed more solidly about over-the-counter medicines and their intake. In both segments, however, the employees had "not enough demand".

Patients should ask themselves
The Pharmacies Operating Regulations, which were tightened last in 2012, require a consultation on the aspects of drug safety such as the bills of exchange and side effects. However, if the pharmacists do not ask, they often do not learn which medicines their customers are still taking. In this case, "consumers should take the initiative in case of doubt and inform themselves about the medicines taken or specifically ask about possible interactions". (Fp)

Picture: Matthias Balzer