Test The best way to quit smoking

Test The best way to quit smoking / Health News

Fits New Year's resolutions - the best smoking cessation methods

In Germany, numerous measures have already been implemented to curb the consumption of cigarettes and tobacco. In addition to governmental attempts, such as advertising restrictions, tax increases and warnings, there are a variety of methods and tools to permanently separate from the stink. The range of over-the-counter nicotine replacement products is huge, from patches to chewing gum, sprays and lozenges. But all the help is equally effective?

Stiftung Warentest has devoted itself to this issue in a special issue. The consumer advocates base their judgment on renowned literature and scientific studies that have been evaluated by expert experts. The prerequisite was that the studies were reviewed and published in recognized medical journals. Patches, nicotine gums and lotion tablets, medicines, weaning courses, acupuncture, hypnosis and e-cigarettes were tested.

Stiftung Warentest is currently investigating the effectiveness of the numerous methods of preventing smoking. (Image: underdogstudios / fotolia.com)

Smoking is the leading cause of premature mortality

"Smoking is a major health risk and the leading cause of premature mortality," writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). According to the study "Health in Germany aktuell", 20.8% of women and 27.0% of men over the age of 18 smoke at least occasionally. In the younger age groups, the proportion of those currently smoking is the highest. "Smoking is much less common in higher education groups in women and men than in low education groups," writes the RKI. Since 2003, the proportion of smokers in the adult population has been falling. The RKI warns that despite progress, there is still room for improvement in the area of ​​tobacco prevention policy. More than 100,000 people in Germany still die each year as a result of smoking.

It pays to stop - no matter what your age

Who smokes dies about 10 years earlier. This emerges from a US study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. But who stops, profits. Anyone who ages 25 to 34 years, the Glimmstängel permanently, has almost the same life expectancy as those who have never smoked. In the 35- to 44-year-old group, life expectancy is only shortened by about one year if smoking ceases successfully.

Even between the ages of 45 and 54, life expectancy increases by six years if smoking ceases permanently. But there are already successes after a short time. After three days, the function of the respiratory tract improves. After a week, the blood pressure drops. Within a few years, the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

The exit is difficult

Nicotine can be very addictive. Many smokers have become accustomed to consuming for years and even ritualized it in some situations. Especially in situations, such as the tip for beer or coffee, abstainers miss the smoking painful. Only about five percent manage the weaning the first attempt without tools. Which method promises more success with the withdrawal, the Stiftung Warentest has now examined.

Patches, chewing gum and lozenges

In the test, the patches Nikofrenon, Niquitin Clear, Nicotinell and Nicorette TX were examined and are considered according to the experts as a suitable tool. The therapy costs about 100 euros per month and should be carried out for about three months. Nicotine chewing gums and lotion tablets help against the fast urge for a cigarette because they release the nicotine into the blood very quickly. "All preparations are suitable," write the experts of Stiftung Warentest. Those who use chewing gum and lozenges in addition to nicotine patches should use low-dose products. The products Nicorette, Nocotinell and Niquitin were evaluated.

Tablets against the craving for smoke

Stiftung Warentest evaluated the prescription tablets Zyban and Champix. These are intended to suppress the craving for nicotine. The intake is started before a smoke stop. According to the manufacturer, a jump should then succeed after about two weeks. "According to our experts, both medicines are suitable with limitations," Stiftung Warentest writes about the tablets.

Psychological weaning courses

The smoking cessation courses are based on the methods of behavioral therapy and should analyze and change habits. Contrary to many other weaning methods, some health insurance companies even contribute to the cost of certified offers. "Such a group training can approximately double the chances of stopping smoking," says Stiftung Warentest.

With acupuncture and hypnosis against the languor

According to Stiftung Warentest, acupuncture and hypnosis are most suitable for smokers in whom weaning with other methods has failed several times. "Significant clinical trials that prove the effectiveness of these methods, there is not yet," judging the consumer advocates. But there are a lot of positive reports from users.

A popular method - the e-cigarette

Even with the increasing popularity of e-cigarettes, it has not yet been conclusively clarified whether the change has health benefits. There are still no studies on long-term effects. The experts of Stiftung Warentest suspect, according to the current state of knowledge, that e-cigarettes are harmless than normal cigarettes, since the evaporation releases less pollutants than when it burns.

Many ways lead to smoking cessation

According to the Stiftung Warentest experts, it is generally advisable to use several horses for smoking cessation, such as combining a cessation course with the use of nicotine replacement products. A combination was proven to be more effective. For more tips, see the article Stop smoking. (Fp)