Techniker Krankenkasse wants to reward doctor's discussions with patients better

The chairman of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), Jens Baas, is committed to ensuring that physicians receive better rewards for the talks they have with their patients. Federal Health Minister Gröhe had also campaigned for the so-called "medical medicine".

Conversation can contribute to healing
Jens Baas, CEO of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), argues according to a message from the news agency dts, that it better honor discussions that doctors have with their patients. He said to the "Welt am Sonntag": "Actually, the doctors would have to get more money from the health insurance companies for talking to the patients." In many cases, the conversation and attention could contribute to healing or even have a healing effect. "The doctor can cure by taking time and talking to the patient," said the physician.
Psychological aspect is underestimated
"Many colleagues underestimate or dismiss this psychological aspect. That's why I think it's a pity that in the current remuneration system we do not reward speech as it should be, "said Baas. However, no single fund can decide on how individual medical services in the system of public health insurance will be rewarded. The Federal Joint Committee, a body in which representatives of statutory health insurance companies, hospitals, doctors and dentists sit, decides what health insurance companies pay for and how much.
"Talking medicine" should be strengthened
Last year, the leading association of statutory health insurances and Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) had pleaded for strengthening so-called "speaking medicine". However, communication also needs to improve because many patients do not understand their doctor. ("Https://") Common reasons for this are lack of time and the technical Chinese of many physicians. In addition, a Forsa survey commissioned by TK recently revealed that in Germany only about one in three feels well informed by its doctor about opportunities, risks and alternatives to treatment. (Ad)