Techniker Krankenkasse pays naturopathy funds

Techniker Krankenkasse wants to finance remedies from alternative medicine
From 1 January 2012, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) intends to cover the costs of medicines for alternative medicine that are not prescription but pharmacy-only. These include medicines of homeopathy, phytotherapy (herbal medicine) and anthroposophy. The legal TK would thus pioneer in terms of naturopathy, others could follow the positive example.
Insured persons can be reimbursed
With the new pension structure law, the health insurance companies have the option of offering certain medicines that are not prescription but pharmacy-only as a so-called statutory benefit. After a board meeting, the Techniker Krankenkasse decided to cover the costs for these medicines from the fields of homeopathy, phytotherapy and anthroposophy for persons with statutory health insurance.
Dieter F. Märtens, alternate chairman of the TK board of directors, said: "With the entry into force of the GKV supply structure law at the beginning of next year, the health insurances can offer their insured additional benefits TK would like to use this freedom of design for its customers and at the same time compete with position other health insurance companies. "
How does the new regulation work??
Insured persons pay for their medication as usual in the pharmacy. Beforehand, have your doctor issue a private prescription or a so-called green recipe. This is then handed in together with the pharmacy receipt at the Techniker Krankenkasse to be reimbursed. The costs are fully covered up to a maximum of € 100 per insured and calendar year.
The regulations for children up to the age of 12 and for adolescents with developmental disorders up to the age of 18 are not changed. The regulations for medicines for the treatment of serious diseases according to the so-called exception list of the Joint Federal Committee remain untouched.
The Federal Insurance Office is the competent supervisory authority and has yet to approve the supplementary benefits of the articles of association of TK. Furthermore, the costs of medicines that have been excluded by law or by the Joint Federal Committee from the catalog of benefits of the health insurance, such as appetite suppressants, may not be accepted. (Ag)
Image: Paul-Georg Meister