TCM against overeating

TCM against overeating / Health News

Holistic concept provides help with metabolic syndrome


Overweight, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipid and blood glucose levels - four factors that together increase the risk of stroke and heart attack as a metabolic syndrome. Above all, physicians see being overweight as the fundamental cause of the so-called deadly quartet, since all other factors can develop from it. Today, every second adult in Germany is overweight. „Do more sports and less food!“ Although a well-intentioned advice, but without therapy sufferers come out of the vicious circle of overeating and lack of exercise often not out. Help offers Chinese medicine here. As a holistic treatment concept, its five pillars, Chinese dietetics, drug therapy, acupuncture, Tuina and QiGong, have a positive effect on the pathogenic influences and make it easier for those affected to change their lives.

Thus, Chinese diets draw attention to aspects of malnutrition and lead to a reorientation of eating habits. „Our affluent society eats too much, too hastily, at times, and has forgotten how to taste properly. The use of sugar, meat and dairy products exceeds any reasonable level. Food is boiled for too long and so modified by flavors, flavor enhancers sweeteners and cream imitations that tongue and nose no longer recognize what is good and what is bad for the metabolism“, characterizes Dr. Christian Schmincke, TCM expert, general practitioner and head of the clinic at Steigerwald, the Western food culture. Comprehensive nutritional counseling based on Chinese dietary principles leads to a balanced nutritional balance in therapy. „For example, anyone who can relax for five minutes before eating, as the spleen and stomach work best when it is relaxed and comfortable“, knows Dr. Schmincke from years of experience. With evening fasting, in the morning something warm for breakfast, few meals and the renouncement of raw food the diet knows more nutritional advice. Also, too much meat and dairy products also promote accumulation of mucus and slow tissue cleanup, which, in turn, favors high blood pressure and elevated blood lipid and blood glucose levels from the point of view of Chinese medicine.

Because Chinese medicine considers all life in context, TCM experts align nutrition and other therapies. In addition, therefore, the Chinese drug therapy with individually compiled herbs, tubers and roots is used. Depending on the plant components, they set the metabolism in motion, improve the body's perception of satiety or stimulate digestion. Doctors monitor their effects and adapt the formula to changed conditions of the patient. Targeted needling of the acupuncture points supports all metabolic activities. QiGong and gentle body therapies release tension and strengthen the body's ability to clarify, improving circulation.