TCM for pain

TCM for pain / Health News

End of continuous medication: Chinese medicines put an end to chronic pain


Every third German lives with chronic pain. Frequently, not only are specific illnesses such as fibromyalgia concealed, but also very common ailments such as back pain and headaches behind the chronic symptoms. In the search for help people are dragged from one doctor to another. Often, the medical odyssey culminates in the long-term use of pain medications, which often help only conditionally and bring with it undesirable side effects. Instead of suppressing symptoms, Chinese medicine considers the entire patient and successfully treats chronic pain disorders. A study shows that 69 percent of patients with pain in the head and neck area report an improvement in their symptoms.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, chronic pain is considered a serious signal. In addition to pulse and tongue findings, it provides important information on disorders in the interior of humans in diagnostics. Also an essential part of the diagnosis: the patient talk. Here, TCM experts also question the long-term use of pain medications and weigh up for each remedy together with the patient: maintain, stop immediately, reduce or creep out. „Long-term medication with pain medications usually hinder the Chinese therapy and make it tedious“, knows Dr. Christian Schmincke, TCM expert and head of the clinic at the Steigerwald, from experience.

In the holistic approach of Chinese medicine, pain stands for Qi-blockade, i. Disturbing factors interrupt the natural flow of energy. The body's attempt to resolve these blockages causes pain. In the acute case pronounced painful acupuncture is. It brings the Qi back to flow and makes blockages permeable. Qigong also stimulates the Qi River. Regularly exercised, it strengthens the ability to resolve acutely occurring pain through physical exercises as well as concentration and perception training. „Chronic pain - especially when there is a history of internal mucus contamination - requires a more in-depth approach than acupuncture and qigong“, so Dr. Schmincke. „The focus of Chinese medicine is therefore the drug therapy.“ Based on comprehensive Chinese diagnostics, TCM experts create an individual formula for the patient. By decoction, so-called decoctions are produced from the Chinese crude medicines, which drink pain victims throughout the day. The therapist regularly controls effects on the body and adjusts the substances as needed. „Unlike traditional painkillers, the Chinese therapy concept aims to remedy the disorder behind the pain in order to achieve a lasting improvement in the symptoms and not to numb the pain“, explains Dr. Schmincke. (Pm)