TCM research electroacupuncture effective in migraine

TCM research electroacupuncture effective in migraine / Health News
According to a study, electroacupuncture can alleviate the symptoms of migraine
With electroacupuncture migraine attacks become rarer and shorter. A Chinese study shows that the procedure significantly reduces the number of migraine attacks.

(Image: WavebreakmediaMicro /

Chinese TCM experts conducted a three-arm controlled trial involving a total of 242 patients with migraine without aura between the ages of 18 and 65 years. On average, patients suffered from 4.9 migraine attacks per month.

The subjects were divided into three groups. Two groups received treatment with needles once at acupuncture points and in the second group at nonacupuncture points. Treatment was given within four weeks, five days a week. The third group was not treated, but received the promise to get an acupuncture treatment later.

Four acupuncture points were used per session: these included the two points GB20 and GB8. Also available for selection were points SJ5, GB34, BL60, SI3, LI4, ST44, LR3 and GB40. Other acupuncture points were not allowed in the verum group. In the control group, points were chosen that are not considered classic acupuncture points.

The frequency of migraine attacks in the acupuncture group decreased by 3.2, in the group with sham acupuncture, however, by only 2.1. In the patients without intervention the result was similar to the sham acupuncture.

The average number of days with migraine was also lower in the patients in the verum group than in the group of those with sham acupuncture. The study can be found here.